Professional Summary * Over 8 years of IT experience and gained expertise in Linux/Unix system Administration and implementing DevOps life cycle using CI/CD pipelines and migrating On-premise infrastructure to cloud platforms Aws/Azure and involved in virtualization using VMWare and infrastructure orchestration using containerization technologies. * Extensive experience in working with broad range of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services and it's features like AutoScaling, AWS Storage, ELB, EBS, VPC, Security Groups, Access Control Lists (ACL), Route53, RDS, S3, IAM, SNS, SES, Cloud Watch and SQS. * Used Microsoft SSIS using SSIS Power pack used to migrate to AWS Redshift data warehouse. * Extensively worked on Jenkins and Hudson for CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) methodologies and for End to End automation for all build and deployments. * Architect and design serverless application CI/CD by using AWS Serverless (Lamda) application model. * Experience on Microsoft Azure Core Platform (Compute, Networking, Storage) * Expertise in Microservices/ API development and deployment using cutting edge technologies like Spring Boot, Docker, cloud, Eureka Service discovery, Netflix Zuul routing libraries and API Gateway * Wrote maven build scripts and automation scripts for the builds in Bamboo. * Administered and Engineered Jenkins for managing weekly Build, Test and Deploy chain, SVN/GIT with Dev/Test/Prod Branching Model for weekly releases. * Created computing and data resources on AWS using EC2. Installed Pivotal Cloud Foundry on EC2 to manage the containers created by PCF. Used Docker to virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF. * Experienced in Azure IAAS, Provisioning VM's, Virtual Hard disks, Virtual Networks, Reserved VIP, Deploying Web Apps, and Creating Web Jobs. * Developed microservices onboarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and services. * Setup code repositories like SVN, GIT, and TFS and managed plugins for Jenkins for scheduled automatic checkout of code. * Installation and configuration of ELK stack (Log Management tool) in both legacy and Docker swarm mode. * Experience with container based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker registries and Kubernetes. * Continuing architectural changes to move software system offerings to a distributed, service based architecture utilizing Docker/Kubernetes technologies. * Configured Chef Server Enterprise on premise /workstation /bootstrapped the nodes using knife and automated by testing Chef Recipes/Cookbooks with test-kitchen/chef spec. * Managed Chef Server in pushing the infrastructure change to client nodes, monitoring the logs and security. * Written Chef Cookbooks and recipies for various packages. Implemented environments, roles, data bags in Chef for better environment management. * Managed Ubuntu, Amazon Linux and RHEL virtual servers on AWS EC2 instance by creating Ansible Nodes. * Experience deploying and operating AWS, specifically VPC, EC2, Amazon Lambda, S3, EBS, IAM, ELB, Cloud Formation and Cloud Watch using the AWS console and AWS CLI. * Good scripting knowledge on Pearl, Bash, Shell, Python & Developed python, and shell scripts for automation of the build and release process. * Supported API development team in creating Ansible playbooks for deploying, integrating, and monitoring their continuous integration environment. * Extensively experienced in using Build and Automation tools like ANT and Maven, Gradle. * Supported the process of first time configuration of Web Applications using Vagrant along with Puppet and Chef for provisioning. * Management done utilizing Puppet, Ansible for automation and AD authentication. * Experienced in Network installation and configuration and Troubleshooting general TCP/IP/DNS, UDP, DHCP, NFS, NIS, NIS+, SAMBA, LDAP, SSH, SSL, SFTP, SMTP, SNMP and Network problems switches and port. * Experience in Monitoring infrastructure to identify and troubleshoot issues on servers using tools like Nagios, Splunk and JIRA. * Scheduling various cron jobs for backups, database, proprietary jobs using CRON and BMC Control-M and troubleshooting daily job problems. * Experience in using different source code version control tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN), and TFS. * Experience in Installing, upgrading, and configuring Red Hat Linux 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x using Kickstart. * Able to install, configure the MYSQL, Apache, Tomcat, and WebLogic. * Install and configure the Database servers like Oracle 9i, 10gstart Servers.

