SUMMARY Over thirty years of experience in the design, engineering, commissioning, and operation of oil and gas production facilities and process plants including offshore fixed platforms and floating facilities (FPSO, Spar, Semi-submersible), pump and compressor stations, fiscal metering systems, instrumentation and controls for oil and gas gathering, treatment and processing facilities, refineries and LNG plants. Over thirty years of experience in the design, engineering, commissioning, and operation of oil and gas production facilities and process plants including offshore fixed platforms and floating facilities (FPSO, Spar, Semi-submersible), pump and compressor stations, fiscal metering systems, instrumentation and controls for oil and gas gathering, treatment and processing facilities, refineries and LNG plants. Responsible for Offshore, Houston, TX Responsible for instrumentation and controls for mechanical package equipment including rotating machinery and utility systems for LNG EPC project in Australia. Participated in P&ID and HAZOP reviews prepared control and interlock narratives for process units. * Responsible for update of Cause and Effect diagrams, Interlock and Shutdown Narratives and Interlock Lists for the safety instrumented system on Mozambique FEED LNG project. Participated in P&ID review and revision assisted with bid evaluation of material requisitions for in-line instruments updated INtools database for fire and gas system equipment. * Responsible for update of Cause and Effect diagrams, Safety Interlock Sheets, Interlock and Shutdown Narratives and Interlock Lists for the safety instrumented system on Nigerian FEED LNG project. Also, HAZOP punch list items resolution and P&ID updates. * Pre-Feed and FEED work for Total Angola and Chevron GoM offshore expansion projects. Assisted in modifying existing and instrumenting new P&IDs participated in early HAZOP reviews prepared specifications for integrated control and safety instrumented system as well as Wellhead Control Panel developed SPI Intools datasheets for in-line instruments and valves as well as requisition packages. development of Cause and Effect Chart and control narratives for modification of the existing methanol unit. Prepared instrument datasheets for control and relief valves and level instrumentation. Shell refinery project. Responsible for vendor selection and specification of field instrumentation and valving for revamp of Alkylation Polimerization and FCCU Units. Perform back checking of P&IDs and process safety documentation. Rubber Plant project. Responsible for preparing the equipment list and specifications for Rubber Lab testing equipment as part of FEED BED package. Prepared and back checked instrument sizing calculations and specification sheets for process facilities. Responsible for creating scope documents and project specifications such as tank gauging system SIS and metering systems. Lead of America, Houston, TX Lead position for re-instrumentation projects in petrochemical industry. * Forbo plant, Illinois. Field design verification and installation supervision for Train 2 DCS. Pertamina Geothermal plant, Indonesia. Responsible for design of the control system. position for development of scope of work estimates project specifications block-diagrams vendor pre-qualification and selection. Shell FWT project Colorado. Specified Fieldbus field instrumentation for oil shale test facilities. P&ID and HAZOP reviews specification of instrumentation for steam injection test facility.

