
Rajnesh K

System Engineer - 1 Years of Experience - Near 56007


System Engineer


Albert Lea, MN

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



Career Summary: Having 1.3 years of experience in Windows/Linux IT infrastructure as well as good command in the areas of IT Operations, Solutions, administering, installing & maintaining the Servers. Familiar:- Linux Skills: * Linux Boot Up sequence. * Monitoring tools, Kill Process. * User Management, User Accounts, access, Permissions. * Network Configuration, SELinux, Firewalld. * NFS, DNS, Samba, Maria DB Server, Apache (HTTPD), LVM. * Ports running check on remote as well as local machine. * Convert file System Permission. VMware Skills: * Managing VMware infrastructure environment with Windows/Linux servers, virtual machine. * VM Servers build & rebuild deploying the New VM from the Template and Cloning an existing. * Installing, configuring and managing virtual infrastructure and virtual centre. * Creating and managing resource pools and adding the VM's into resource pools. * Creating and managing virtual machines and installing VM Tools into VM's. * Manage VM's using VMware virtual centre. * Managing VM's through web access. * P2V and V2V conversions by using VMware Converter. of experience as a VMware Engineer in VMware ESX and Windows/Linux server * Managed Virtualization Environment using VMware ESX 3.x Virtual Center VI Client P2V Installation Configuration Administration & Troubleshooting of windows server virtual center VM Client. Creating and Managing Virtual Machines and Templates. Creating Clusters for High Availability (HA) and Distributive Resource Scheduling (DRS). Migrate Physical Servers to Virtual Server using VMware Converter (P2V Converter). Migrating of using VMotion Performing Snapshots Cloning Involving the QA Activities * Windows Server 2003/2008R2 Linux RHEL 6.4/6.8. * Adding domain Services on Windows Server 2003/2008 R2/2012 domain controller. * Data Protection and maintenance of healthy network using different backup and recovery strategies and Automated System Recovery Disk. * Experience on configuring data store to ESX server using SCSI iSCSI or LUN. Having of experience in:-





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