Summary: * Strong experience in development of Web-based applications by using HTML5, JavaScript (jQuery, Angular), JSON, CSS3, JSP, Java, Servlets, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, SQL, XML, JDBC, JBoss, SOAP. * Solid knowledge of SOAP service, HTTP, TCP/IP communication protocol, familiar with setting up configured application servers like Apache Tomcat, Jboss and Weblogic servers to make load balancing and session stickiness. * Experience with AJAX for implicitly loading updated data on the presentation of HTML/JSP page without updating the whole page. * Experience using Java EE Design Patterns like Object-relational mapping (ORM), Data Access Object (DAO) Pattern, Front Controller and Factory Pattern for reusing efficient and effective strategies for new developments. * Experience implementing ATG and Spring framework which supports the DAO pattern and integration with JDBC, Hibernate as well as Struts. * Well experienced in using JUnit for performing unit-testing framework and Eclipse for debugging and coding standards. * Experience working in all the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and a thorough understanding of the SDLC like Waterfall, Agile (Extreme Programming). * Experience in operating on and connecting to various database like Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL on operating systems like Linux and Windows. * Expertise in using management tools like Maven, BitBucktet (Git) and Jira for project version controlling. * Team player, quick learner and self-motivated with effective communication and good attention to detail.

