H3G Duration: Jan 2007 to Sept 2007 Description: eGain Service 7 (Email Management System) provides an extensive range of features to help users manage email traffic securely quickly and efficiently by providing access to a Knowledge Base customer profiles and recommended responses together with access to related information from external systems all in one place. H3G deployed EMS and has issued to eGain a comprehensive set of requests for changes to include new configurations functional modifications and integrations. Inhibition of free input in the "FROM" field in case of creation of new outbound email or reply to incoming mails. In case of NEW outbound mails FROM field to be defaulted with a value coming from a relationship table "alias/queue" where the queue is the queue associated to the agent. Ability to transfer more than five activities in an agent inbox if it is by a supervisor. Web service to retrieve some information from Peoplesoft. Responsibilities: * Developed the custom rules to call SOAP web service. Implemented the Data Access Link (JDBC link) and integrate the same with external database to pick up the high value status and then assign priority to the activities in eService. * Configured an inbound workflow to route the activities to the queues or users based on keywords found in the email body or subject. * Code review of all team members' code. Unit testing. * Prepared functional design document. * Prepared low level technical design document. Prepared deployment document. Project Name: KB Sync utility Caremark Duration: Jan 2007 to Sept 2007 Description: Caremark team was doing manual updates on every article which is modified on the one setup and need to move on Production. This manual process is bit time consuming and involves lot of manual steps. KB articles synching tool will be used to sync all KB articles that are available in folders in knowledge base on Source machine (SIT) to respective folders on Destination machine (Production) based on the user action. With this utility Caremark team can compare existing article on different setup and if required can sync the articles on another setup with just one click. Responsibilities: * Created functional design document. * Created technical design document. * Developed tool using jsp and java component. Unit testing. * Prepared functional design document. * Prepared low level technical design document. Prepared deployment document. Project Name: eMatrix Integration with eGain Mail system.

