
Frederick R

Project Manager


Project Manager

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



Obtain leadership position within an organization where acceptance, character, commitment, dedication, diversity, ethics, fidelity, honesty, inclusion, integrity, and virtue are more than the accepted typically accepted vernacular of, "the current campaign, " or "slogan of the day " and, therein contribute my demonstrated abilities as a team-builder, trouble-shooter, problem solver, visionary and/or "out-of-the box" actively thinking, multi-faceted, human being while constantly doing and living each day to its fullest. United States Navy Enlisted 1973 - 1979, Honorably Discharged Vietnam Era Veteran. Commercial Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactor and Department of Energy (i.e., granted unescorted access), domestic and international, field and corporate office contributor to all aspects of respective business from new plant development, design, construction, startup, maintenance, modification, testing, operations (i.e., except, NOT as United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission license holder), decommissioning and waste disposal across a broad range of intricate, high-priority, multi-discipline engineering, construction, modification, and implementation of utilities and their sub-contractors. Thoroughly developed familiarity with domestic and international regulatory and industry professional organizations through direct interactions and relationships including, but not limited to definition and development of scope of activity or work breakdown structure descriptions, design bases clarification, specification initiation and processing, Request For Proposal (RFP) or Quote documentation, definition of requirements (including, administration, business process, liabilities, limitations and/or risk), as applicable to Sub-Components, Components, Systems, and Structures (SSC), respective Division of Responsibility (DoR) and/or Scope Of Supply (SoS), as well as review, revision, approvals, implementation, and closed-out of respective contractual documents, as appropriate. Administration, Supervision, Management, and Direction of contracts and personnel associated with industrial manufacturing and power generation related projects and respective logistics in union and at-will employment environments. Competent user of various computers and software platforms e.g., Client Management System (CMS), Relational Database Management (e.g., procurement and inventory), Records and Documentation Management (e.g., Documentum, Consolidated Asset Suite Passport Portal J, Ventyx), Microsoft Office (including, Access, Project, and Visio) and CAD/CAM (e.g., Microstation, Intergraph, AutoCad) product lines and, familiar with but not trained used or other platforms such as client specific and/or technical analysis (e.g., electrical, ETAP, mechanical, Easy Pipe, Civil, ANSYS, Scheduling, Primavera, Sourcing, Ariba, or Probabilistic Risk/Safety or Root Cause Analysis, Tap-Root).





