-11.5 years PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: * Good knowledge of quality standards and software development life cycle processes which include detailed design, coding, unit testing and defects handling at various phases of testing such as subsystem test, system test, user acceptance test. Mentoring and assigning work to junior members. * Experience in development using JAVA/J2EE technologies and OOAD. Have expertise in Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, Oracle, XML, JDBC, Jenkins. * Good experience in frameworks like Struts, EJB, Spring and design patterns and tools like Eclipse, TOAD, Xtrac, Subversion, Jenkins build Scripting * Experience of working on servers like Apache Tomcat, Weblogic. * Experience in GUI development for web based applications. * Experience of working on onsite/ offshore model. Working in Dallas USA since Dec 2013 . * Experience in handling client queries and providing effective response to clients. * Experience in requirement gathering, client discussions, writing Impact assessment, estimation, implementation and full testing (was part of all phases of software lifecycle). * Experience in performance enhancement activities for my project made significant improvement in the application in terms of performance. * Sun Java Certified for Java 1.5 * Strong Interpersonal and communication skills. PROJECT SUMMARY: * Tech Mahindra December 2011 - till date * Working for CSI-Adapter Project Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts, Oracle 11g, Description: CSI (Common Services Interface) Adapter The CSI Adapter is layer of code responsible for discovering and managing access to the Service Provider layer (aka downstream system), for providing a standard set of methods to access a Service Provider, and for isolating the Business Components (aka Business Workflow, Business Task, Service, Interface) from the specific intricacies of the services contract, e.g.: protocols, formats, tooling specifics, failure and service management. The goal of the CSI Adapter is to maximize isolation of the Business Components from the majority of changes that may be made in the Service Providers and to minimize Business Component coding requirements through reusable objects. CSI-Adapter is part of the ACSI group. Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Develpment of new adapters using Spring based framework * Using Maven and Jenkins for build * Test Support till Production Deployment * also involved in Post Production Support * Worked for CBS Project Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts, Oracle 11g, Description: CBS (Common Business Services) The main aim of CBS is to facilitate the 24X7 availability of a group of business services. Using CBS services of 3 domains (Product, Order, Customer) are made available to client applications for various business requirements Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Bug fixing. * Maintenance * Working for the DB migration of the system. * Worked on migration of SAS (Satistical Analysis System) system to new servers. Mainly for report generation using Perl Script * Worked for COE S&D Project Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts, Oracle 11g, Description: S&D (Supply and demand) S&D is a Struts based application used to handle employee allocation to different Projects based on requirements. It is used to facilitate the employee engagement based on client requirements per project within the IDU. Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Designing, Coding and Implementation. * Bug fixing. * Maintenance * TCS Mumbai August 2011 - December 2011 * Worked for GE HR Web Verticals. Software and Tools: J2EE, Spring, STS, JBoss, Oracle 11g, Description: EMS EMS is a Spring based application used to handle employee appraisals in the organization. It is used to facilitate the employee manager interaction for performance review in the organization. Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Designing, Coding and Implementation. * Bug fixing. * Maintenance * Worked for the spring migration of the system. * Worked for 4 months * Amdocs DVCI Pune December 2006 - July 2011 * Worked for LightSpeed AT&T Software and Tools: J2EE, Spring, Eclipse, Tomcat, Oracle 10gDS, EJB calls Description: XML Gen: (XML generator). XML Gen is a spring based application used to generate requests based on user data and retrieve response from the Backend systems populated with data from the Ordering system. Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Designing, Coding and Implementation. * Bug fixing. * Maintenance * Worked in 3 releases R4-R7 * Traveled to St Louis for UAT Support for all releases * Worked for LightSpeed AT&T Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts 1.2, Eclipse, Websphere, Oracle 10gDS, EJB Description: ACS: (Acquisition Channel System). ACS is a web Service. The ACS system exposes existing ordering APIs and customer management to external applications (CSI) Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Designing, Coding and Implementation. * Bug fixing. * Maintenance & Support * Worked in 7 releases R7-R13 * Traveled to St Louis for UAT Support for all releases * Worked for LightSpeed AT&T Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts 1.2, Eclipse, Websphere, Oracle 10gDS, EJB calls Description: AMSS: (Amdocs Self Service ) . AMSS is a web application which allows the users to place orders for AT&T products and also manage user details. Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Designing, Coding and Implementation. * Bug fixing. * Maintenance & Support * Worked in 6 releases R8-R13 * Traveled to St Louis for UAT Support for almost all releases * Worked for SNAP Sprint Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts 1.2, Eclipse (Web Logic), Oracle 10gDS, EJB calls Description: SNAP: (Sprint Nextel Activation Portal) . Sprint and Nextel have merged into one company that now supports two cellular networks - CDMA and iDEN. Sprint now requires a unified Customer Care and Billing system supporting policies, activities and processes related to both networks. SNAP serves that purpose. Role/Responsibility: Various activities involved in the process are: * Designing, Coding and Implementation. * Bug fixing. * Maintenance & Support * Worked in 5 releases R4-R8 * Traveled to Champaign for Post Production Support * Made interactive Demo for complete application a Sprint deliverable. * Denave Software India Pvt Ltd New Delhi November 2005 - November 2006 as Software Engineer using J2EE to develop web application projects. Projects on the J2EE platform that I have worked on, include the following: * Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts 1.2, Eclipse, Oracle 10gDS, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9 Description: This system helps Channel Strategies executive to provide an automated System to maintain data and analyze sale of Microsoft product (windows XP, Windows Media Centre, Windows Starter Kit etc) with HCL and tracks the daily activities of RM's. Further the data collected by the system was used in the analysis by MIS. * Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts 1.2, Eclipse, Oracle 10gDS, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9 Description: Intel Application is developed using in J2EE technology. This web-based software application program to be used by the Marketing Network of Intel as a support tool for deepening its market penetration and gathering valuable sales information to be used for subsequent analytical and business intelligence requirements. * Software and Tools: J2EE, Struts 1.2, Eclipse, Oracle 10gDS, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9 Description: CMS Application is developed using in J2EE technology. This web-based software application program to be used by company people to registered their problems regarding Software/Hardware problem. * Siemens Information Systems Limited (SISL), Gurgaon, April - November, 2005: Software development experience as part of MCA completion requirements, including work with JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, etc. Projects on the J2EE platform that I have worked on, include the following: * Development of Single Sign-On Module for Siemens/BBC (Sports) Portal: I implemented this module which will provide seamless access to applications on the portal to users, after they sign-on once with their user-id and password. Access to applications will be controlled, depending on the authorization level of the user. * WAP Enablement of E-banking Solution: The work involved redesigning the HTML pages of an e-banking solution for the WAP platform, taking into account constraints on screen size, input facilities, processor power, memory and bandwidth. * I have experience of working on a number of application development projects as part of the MCA curriculum. These include the following: * Development and implementation of a scaled-down version of an On-line Banking System, using VB 6.0 and MS-Access. * Development and implementation of a Library Management system for videos, using VB 6.0 and MS-Access. * Development of a Payroll Management system, using FoxPro 2.6 * Development of an Inventory Management system, using FoxPro 2.6

