10 -The facility treats waste water resulting from the copper recovery in one of the world's largest open copper mines. Inflow water was processing waste water. Potable Water treatment plants Mexicali, Baja California, M�xico - 2 Water treatment potable water Plants with maximum design flow rate of 1 m3/s, 15,850 gpm The Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC, currently Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) granted a loan to the State of Baja California for the design and construction of water treatment facilities for potable water for the city of Mexicali. The scope of the works included two water treatment plants, a 160,000 m3 raw water reservoir, sludge treatment facilities and a water distribution system linked to the main city water network. km of pipeline mains and two pumping stations The project was conceived developed and constructed with the following objectives: * Treatment of municipal waste water Re-use of treated waste water as process water for the oil local state owned oil refinery owned by PEMEX the state owned oil company in Mexico

