SUMMARY OF CAREER EXPERIENCE Finance/Banking Lending - Retail and Mortgage lending with concentration in Wealth lending and investments. Commercial Real Estate matters, including commercial mortgage loans, commercial and small business underwriting, risk grading, risk analysis and securitized financings, the acquisition, financing and disposition of Class A, B, C office, retail and industrial properties, commercial and multi-family joint venture portfolio transactions, REIT transactions, and mergers and acquisitions. Hospitality matters, including acquisitions, development transactions, financings, dispositions, management agreements, franchise matters, and public/private and private joint ventures. Also, domestic and foreign timberland investment and finance, domestic and foreign agribusiness investment. Acquisition and management of Brand-Centric companies, financing of brands, licensing and franchising of brands, Securitization of IP assets, placement of securitizations, M&A advisory, principal equity investing, and equity raises. Corporate compliance & governance to include Risk management in domestic and international matters - filings, licensing, insurance & labor and employment, SEC. In-house & law firm management experience. Came to the Bank with 24 years of experience in Commercial/Mortgage/Risk Mitigation/ Mergers and Acquisitions/Human Resource/ Small Business and Capital Markets experience. I have worked for large corporations, law firms, had my own consulting business where I worked with many of my same clients on a contract basis to resolve and answer any business issues, review and underwrite potential loan opportunities from both financial aspects, as well as, brand marketing impact that they had in addition to mitigating any legal or other regulatory risk for their industries. BB&T 2011 - 2017: Present Experience: Legal & Risk Manager - Mortgage Division May 2016 through July 2017 * Supported Mortgage Division in doing all legal reviews of transactions closing in a non-natural entity (LLC, LLP, LP, Trust, FLP, estate, etc) * Reviewed all corporate documentation, * Handled and resolved all title issues, * Worked with client's closing agents to facilitate proper Bank documentation to close mortgage loans. * Reviewed and assessed risk levels for Bank compliance with both federal and internal underwriting requirements. * Worked with Corporate Legal on all opinion letters, complex legal issues and training for the sales/underwriting/processing and operational staff with regard to legal requirements for non-natural entities. * Created training materials and trained across our footprint (entire East Coast) on legal matters and identification of risk for underwriting purposes. * Worked on all Wealth client mortgage loans ($1-25Million) for meeting Mortgage Division requirements and for risk requirements for the Bank, as well as, addressing all legal issues, resolving any underwriting requirements, working with clients' counsels on other legal matters. RLF Supervisor II - Senior Legal Liaison August 2012 through May 2016 Wealth, Private Wealth, Small Business, Mortgage- Manager in creating and building out Retail Fulfillment for each area and ongoing creating employee training systems, as well as, a new hire packets. * Worked with the University on training curriculum and Quick Reference Guides for all Specialists, Wealth Advisors, Lenders and all respective management. This was an ongoing project and continues as we continue to look for additional ways to streamline our processes to offer our clients the top PCE in the industry. It has been a long journey we started with 2 Specialists and grown to over 150. * Drafted all security based collateral documents for loan transactions and training materials and worked with corporate legal on details of Risk underwriting and evaluation of clients credit rating and TCE with the Bank. I trained Specialists, High Net Worth Lenders and Advisors how to better understand the makeup of a portfolio they are reviewing and what BB&T will and will not take as collateral within their accounts. There was a high level of expectations from these clients, which I worked diligently and tirelessly to meet. * Worked with the Wealth Strategy Group to implement new policies, procedures, changes in financial goals for Wealth advisors and High Net Worth Lenders, assisted in creating the Wealth Insite Page for Wealth Lending and deciding on content needed. * Review legal documentation and work with outside counsel, as well as, in-house counsel on large Wealth loans for legal documentation and risk analysis. Drafted templates for attorney opinion letter and worked with opposing counsel to make sure that BB&T's requirements were met in each instance. * As the Senior Legal Liaison I took responsibility for working directly with Legal to understand their processes and any pain points with Retail Fulfillment, compile those issues, and bring everyone to the table to discuss and find proactive solutions to moving us forward. * I had meetings set up bi-monthly with corporate Legal, Retail Fulfillment, Risk, Compliance as we built out Fulfillment that we were compliant with all federal regulations and give the opportunity to all LOB's to express any issues or concerns or questions that they may have as to process, timing of delivery of product, new ideas to work streamlining. This meeting forum has been very successful for bringing Retail Loan Fulfillment to the next level. * We are now built out to a place where an abundance of process, procedures and more legal clarification exists for all LOBs and how we handle different types of Wealth transactions. * I also began supporting Mortgage LOB at the conversion of QM. The types of deals that they were now doing with non-natural entities on closed end loans needed more in-depth legal review then the resources they currently have so I have done a great deal of legal work for them from a review and process standpoint and worked with their underwriters (William Nobles and Will Bullock) with questions that they may have. * The "work out project" for the portfolio of loans sold by Mortgage had to have extensive research work done for BB&T DRL portfolio loans, and I worked directly with Rachel Pocisk and William Nobles on that project as well. RLF Supervisor II/ (Functioned as Site Manager) for-Wealth, Private & Small Business May 2011 through end of August 2012 * Responsible for build out of Retail Loan Fulfillment for Wealth, Private, Small Business, drafting of processes and policies for Loan Services for new Division, employee mentoring/training/coaching. * Worked with Wealth Strategy on new Wealth product offerings, performed testing, monitored results and '' * worked closely with Senior Management other Risk officers on large Wealth deals for stips with closing loans and tolerance of BB&T's risk appetite. * Worked on our largest client's portfolio for several lines of credit in excess of $150 MM. * Was responsible for senior management and executive board members' Reg O and the confidentiality of information. * Hired entire staff to create Wealth and Small Business Centralized Fulfillment. I did so by hiring and growing personnel in both units, did formal and OJT]\ training * Develop the training materials for our new Specialists worked with University personnel to create brand new training materials that did not exist so that could begin training new personnel on these positions. * Trained new Site Manager and hired all Specialists and sought out personnel with specific areas of expertise for the new division of Private Wealth Fulfillment. Mentored and trained new Private & Wealth Supervisors. * Built out internal legal for Fulfillment, assisted with building out internal Compliance and Process Management for strategizing with fellow colleagues and executive management to further strengthen the foundation of Centralized Fulfillment in the Retail Sector * Monitor Fulfillment work for QC opportunities and meeting with Process Management team to report progress and areas of opportunities for improvement. I have worked with Direct Retail Lending, Risk, Compliance, Mortgage, Wealth and Corporate Legal, and Wealth Strategy Team to accomplish team collaboration to bring all pertinent parties to the table to grow and advance Retail Loan Fulfillment. During this time, production numbers and pro/fits jumped up significantly from 2012 to 2013: (since 2013 Wealth has more than doubled its loan portfolio growth and significantly driven group for the Bank Wealth Lending Center - DRL Production exceeding production goals by $80, 000,000 to a final number of $900,000,00 this was a 10% increase over 2012 actual production projections from 2013. We ended the year with 4,760 units. Wealth DRL - Production - went up from 2012 to 2013 by $41,000,000 to a final number of $426,000.00. This was a 10% increase over 2012 actual production projections. We ended the year with 35.5 units. Private - DRL Production - went up from 2012 to 2013 by $ 39,000,000 +- to a final number of $655,000,000. This was a 10% increase over 2012 actual production projections from 2013. We ended the year with 3,510 units. Preferred - DRL Production - went from 2012 to 2012 by $2,675,966 +-to a final number of $9,000,000. This was a 40% increase over 2012 actual production projections from 2013. We ended the year with 145 (Contract Project) 2010


- Acquisitions
- Due Diligence
- Drafting
- Management
- Probate
- Real Estate
- Wills
- Financial
- Mergers
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- finance, lending, law, legal, contract management, project management, contract specialist, contract administrator, paralegal, firm adminimstrator, human resources, mortgage, underwriting, risk, compliance, executive management