Summary Significant experience working in a fast-paced organization and in team environments, with excellent feedback and performance reviews from peers. Passionate about software development and computer programming. Eager to continue learning through new career experiences and continuing education. Some of what I would offer my employer are the following: Dedication, work ethics, self-motivation, creativity, problem solving, self-learning, passion, team-work, and attention to details. Capstone new IT project Plan Strayer University Spring 2015 Applied Project management techniques to create integrative information technology solutions including databases Systems analysis security networking computer infrastructure human computer interaction and web design. * Engineered Business Requirements document that addressed the scope possible risks constraints and assumptions. * Designed and produced database schema database tables normalization creating Entity Relationship (E-R) and data-flow diagrams. * Constructed sample queries supporting the organizational reporting needs and screen layouts showcasing the interface users will interact with. * Created high level technical overview PowerPoint presentation to the executive management team and venture capital group. Website development Strayer University Summer 2014 * Compiled requirements for a new restaurant website * Designed and programmed web pages using HTML CSS and JavaScript * Optimized and tested the website