ACCOMPLISHMENTS AWARDS, ASSOCIATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS Listed in the Marquis "Who's Who in the West " "Who's Who in America " "Who's Who in the World" "Who's Who in Finance and Industry " "International Who's Who of Professionals " and "Community Leaders of the World Award." Listed in the American Biographical Institutes "Personalities of the West and Midwest " "Men of Achievement Merit Award" from Cambridge, England "Outstanding Young Men of America Award" from OYM International Award entitled "Leadership in Fund Raising" from the Episcopal Ministries to the University of Colorado - Boulder. We stand by the "Donor Bill of Rights" that promotes high ethical standards and principled entrepreneurship that improves the lives and opportunity for others and make a lasting, sustainable impact on those we serve. Member of the following associations, consortiums and other professional organizations: * Accredited and Past Regional Director of the Association of Health Care Philanthropy * Association of Fundraising Professionals * Rocky Mountain Advanced Development Executive Forum * Colorado Planned Giving Round Table * The Colorado Philanthropic Advisors Network * National Committee on Planned Giving * Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement * Colorado Prospect Research Association * The Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Willing to travel extensively to meet with donors, recruit VIPs and attend national conferences.

