Profile: Business Intelligence Expert (over 17 years, direct hands on experience) as SAP Business Objects Enterprise Project Manager, Architect, Administrator, Trainer, and Developer From 1997 to 2017 I have Managed, Architected, Administered, Developed, Tested and deployed extensively SAP Business Intelligence (BI) specializing in SAP Business Objects Enterprise and Web Intelligence Architectures with focus on large-scale, enterprise level engagements to US Federal, State, and Commercial customers including "Full Stack" Business Intelligence EXPERTIZE in elements such as: Amazon Web Services Cloud Engineer. SAP HANA 1.x Admin / Developer. SAP Business Objects Enterprise (BOE) Distributed environments Windows and UNIX (Solaris/Linux/Centos) Classic 5/3.x to BOXI - BOE4.2) + BW + BOE Sizing + Health Check * * SAP Lumira & Explorer 4.X * * SAP HANA * * SAP Dashboards / Xcelsius and Metric components (E6 - SAP Dashboards 4.2) * * SAP Data Services / Data Integrator - Dimensional Data Marts (to DS 4.2) * * SAP Business Objects Classic Universe Designer Tool (UDT) and Information Design Tool (IDT) - Universe Design BOXI R3.X to BOE4.2 * * SAP Business Objects Classic Reports Design, Development and Testing (Web Intelligence/Rich Client / Crystal / Explorer / Lumira) v. 4.x - BOXI R3.X to BOE4.2 * * Basic and advanced Infoview and BOE SDK customization * * SAP Business Objects Enterprise / Crystal Reports + Training (CE10 - BOE4.2) * * Web Intelligence Training (v. 3.0 [1997] - BOE4.2) * * Expert in Database Managements Systems (ORACLE / MS SQLSERVER) * * Expert in M.S. Windows's Server technologies (NT/XP/WIN2003 - 2012) * * Highly experienced in Tomcat Application Server / JAVA stacks * * Highly experienced in WebLogic Application Server Suites (10.x) * * Highly experienced in Network connectivity and protocols (TCP/IP - IPX) * * Highly experienced in Data Modeling Techniques (Kimble Group). and Major Projects

