With Initiative to implement industry leading marketing promotions to attract customers as well as influence customers. Provided functional consulting support for the various business areas of interests such as Originations, Card Fulfillment, Terms and Pricing, Marketing, Disputes and Chargeback. Blue Print is the major feature involved in Payment and Interest Deferment as per the customer opted payment methods. Involved in the business requirement gathering as well as the functional design . Conducted workshops with users, closely worked with stakeholders to integrate requirements to determine a solution to achieve common business goals. the acquisition of portfolios from other financial institutions it was required to convert the customer data to the bank's compatible data by source-target approach. Aug 200 - May 2003 Initiative to capture the china and Hong Kong card consumer's base in a short time and required less "time to market" solutions implemented. Highly instrumental in conducting workshops performing due diligence with technical teams onsite and offshore elicitation of business requirements preparation of functional specification documents scope and risk management preparation of business and end-end* scenarios defect triaging production implementation plan preparation post Live support for the user issues and user training on the developed applications. A project that involved due diligence and desk research required to provide cost based approach analysis that aids the business in determining the product and vendor selection.

