Outstanding skill and unmatched experience in Data Science predictive analytics machine learning deep learning and cloud technologies. Rigorous work experience on data analysis modeling technologies through R Python and their various libraries like caret rpart randomforest glmnet AzureML sparklyr and ggplot2. Profound understanding of Machine learning algorithms such as linear logistic regression decision tree random forest k-mean KNN PCA SVM and Neural nets. Hands on Tableau 10.2 to perform quick data analysis and prepare dashboard through box plots histograms trend lines clustering table and level of details calculations. Intrinsic creative talent in Integration of real time data with CLOUD based technology like IBM Bluemix MS Azure and Watson IoT. Store data in NoSQL or RDBMS cloud data bases and analyze them in Watson analytics R or in Tableau to perform data discovery forecasting clustering and regression. Build and Deployed various Prediction Model Markup Language (PMML) prediction models in production environment as web services. In depth knowledge of various neural nets like CNN RNN Autoencoders DBN RBM and Tensorflow to handle very large data sets and build predictive model on them.

