Occupation:Food Service Manager |
Location:Chatsworth, CA |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
To Whom It May Concern Throughout my Career my motto has been� Commitment to Excellence�. My Overall background and exposure to the Hospitality Industry has instilled in me an exceptional flair for recognizing and servicing the special needs of the guests/customers in building Relationships and enriching Lives. As you can read in my resume I have extensive knowledge of Quality of Foods, Presentation, Cost of goods, Large size Banquets and Private themed events. I have Great Human Resource skills with Employee partners and understanding of being the Best of the Best. As we know we are in a competitive Market this is why we have to capture each and every customer by offering great Service to keep our customers satisfied and loyal. I was a Catalyst in making Table Mountain Casino the number one Casino in California in the 90�s. I was brought on board by ACES (American Casino Enterprises). When I arrived at the property they had a concession stand which was generating 25-30 k a month. I worked seven days a week for two years to build a Monument where we had six outlets and serviced thousands of customers who complimented The Quality and Consistency of Our Food and service. We were Very busy Day and Night. In The Golfing Industry I have been involved with Porter Valley Country Club which is owned by Club Corp USA. At this property I developed a strong team in both The BOH and FOH. The Quality of Service and Food went from a C to an A+. Members and their families enjoyed The Upgrades and sent me emails where they graded Service and Quality of Food as Top Notch. They appreciated my charismatic personality, seasoned leadership skills and Universal background. Currently I am employed at Embassy Suites Hotel in The Capacity of Operations Director as well as F&B Director. Upon my joining The Hotel the F& B Department was in The Red and The SALT (Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking Scores) was at 66% in The Embassy Chain Ranking. We finished the Year in the top 10% among 228 Hotels in Overall Experience, Overall Service and Cleanliness. Our QA ratings were 96 and 97 % in 2015.The F& B Department became a profit Center. I am confident my seasoned and successful skills and back ground will bring to the potential employer my exceptional leadership Qualities In all aspects of the Operations. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you in person as Telephone and Live Interviews go a long way. My cell number is (310) 749-0343. Kindly, Sergio Bedrossian

