Summary of Experience Senior SAS Consultant with experience in both UNIX and IBM Mainframe. Experienced in ETL (Extract Transform and Load), SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management Systems) and SQL, as well as documentation and implementation of business functional requirements and technical specifications. Used various SAS software utilities like SAS/Connect and SAS/Access to extract data from large databases, to conduct segmentations and marketing analytics. Worked with Modelers and Statisticians in the development of predictive models as wells as its validation. Presented and published 2 papers in SUGI 25 (SAS Users Group International) proceedings on Scrolling and Downloading from the Web, and Security on the Web using SAS/IntrNet Software and HTML Accomplishments Utilizing SAS tools to perform ETL from databases like Oracle and Teradata to analyze extracted data and that includes creating surveys from the extracted ETL for the purpose of marketing while consulting for Wells Fargo Bank, Marketing Analytics Group. Developed a Proof Of Concept (POC) utilizing licensed SAS EBI tools licensed by the company on Personal Computers (PC) and Virtual Machines (VM) while consulting at Microsoft. As a member of the Marketing Sales Strategy & Analytics, designed applications and analyzed the information to facilitate daily and monthly operations while consulting at Wells Fargo Bank. Provided technical support for both the Research and Development Group as well as the Information Technology Group and integrating the products developed by the two groups while consulting at IDeaS (Integrated Decisions and Systems - A SAS Company) Evaluated system architecture setup, trained and instructed both users and administrator on SAS 9.2 and the utilization of the EBI tools as well as converted the Underwriting Model from Excel to SAS while consulting at SquareTwo Financial. Developed and automated utilities process using SAS 9.2, PERL and Unix Scripting, while consulting at BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Developed and automated daily processes using SAS 9.2, BI Suites for IT Support Group while consulting at Christian Broadcasting Network. Developed and automated daily processes using SAS BI Suites for IT Finance Group while consulting at Cisco Systems. Automated monthly and daily processes that support initiatives for the Marketing Group like Customer Loyalty Segmentation while consulting at MasterCard Worldwide through the use of SAS 9.1.3 and Unix Shell scripting. Developed, trained and support Statistical Programming Analysts on the applications and tools used in Phase filings for the FDA. Automated processes and utilities through the used of Unix Shell scripts while consulting at Genentech Inc. Automated the Customer Model Re-training application for fraud detection through the use of SAS software using data extracted from Microsoft SQL Server while consulting at Upgraded new version of SAS software from 8.2 to 9.1.2 on a servers as well as configured its operations. Conducted SAS classes and instructed users on the basic usage in Unix Shell scripting, Base/SAS and SAS/IntrNet. Automated daily processes through the use of Unix Shell scripts. Configured the UNIX environment for SAS and other projects. Facilitated the Behavioral Model process and applications, with supporting tools while consulting at T-Mobile through Ajilon Consulting Incorporated. Engineered, automated and optimized daily and monthly processes on the Internet, as well as participated in the designing of the database while consulting at Wells Fargo Retirement Service Plans and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage through Pacioli Companies. Re-engineered, developed, enhanced and transformed both daily and monthly processes to Internet application while consulting at US West Communications, Covad Communications and Kaiser Permanente through Trilogy Consulting. Automated, developed, enhanced and expedited daily processes and applications on the UNIX platform using Oracle, PERL, SAS as well as other software packages. Provide information on accounts, in collection status from multi-million dollar portfolio while consulting at Wells Fargo Bank. Enhanced and expedited processes as well as update production claims records while consulting at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon with Ajilon Consulting Incorporated. Re-engineered, enhanced and automated daily, weekly and monthly inventory jobs. Provide up to date information on the status of the inventory in various forms of reports while consulting at Intel Corporation with Modis (formerly The Blackstone Group). Automated weekly extract routines on financial data to be transported in to UNIX for further analyses as well as create executive summaries reports on multi-million dollar international accounts while consulting at American Express - Travel Related Services Incorporated with Aerotek / Maxim Group Incorporated. Performed data analyses and ad hoc reporting on financial data, which comprises of multi-million dollar accounts while consulting at MCI Telecommunications Corporation with Pittsburgh Business Consultants Incorporated. Responsible for a multi-million dollar project with The State of Connecticut Department of Education which involving data manipulation, statistical analyses and ad hoc reporting at The Psychological Corporation. Enhanced and developed new features to the Sampling, Tracking, Assigning, Mailing and Packing Process by means of automation at The Psychological Corporation. Developed a system for MBA Option II Department at The University of Texas at Austin, to facilitate the tracking of students' information enrolled in the program.

