I have insight of UML Traditional Life Cycle Waterfall Model/ Methodology System and Business Use Cases Evolution prototyping this involved requirement Analysis Design Construction Testing Installation and maintenance. Among other things I also use spiral model for incremental delivery object oriented life cycle which focuses on the activities rather than sequence. Moreover I employed traditional waterfall to identify the requirements and further techniques to document and analyse them appropriately. I have acquired some experience in supporting database oracle implementation and ERP. My duties involved ERP success factors when integrating people process and technology within an organisation.. There is massive brain storming activities and strategic thinking that I have carried out with other project team members in this area. The blueprint phase has to be clearly identified: Gathering business and users requirements also analysing the high cost of maintenance at the initial stage of implementation and comparing it with benefits that will be derived from the system in the long term. Finance I hold a BTEC Higher National Certificate in Business Finance and I have handled different financial issues in my previous employments which involved Budgets Profit and Loss account Balance sheets Ledger Cash flow forecast and writing financial and progress reports.

