Analyzed results of Federal Financial Management System (FFMS) to design new and improved financial systems and processes Analyzed obligation, disbursement and unliquidated obligation balance and reconciled with the Statement of Budgetary Resources * Established internal control process to be consistent with the OMB-Circular A-123 "Management Accountability and Control, " and recommended an approach for evaluating, improving, and reporting on internal controls * * Prepared FSA financial reporting for monthly Direct Loan Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost, Statement of Net Position, and Statement of Budgetary Resources) * Provided financial analysis and key recommendations to senior management to make sound decisions * Prepared FSA financial statements and flux analyses for the Direct Loan Program according to federal finance reporting standards and policies, including OMB Circulars A-11 and A-136 * Prepared monthly analyses for Transaction Information Executive Repository (TIERS) for FSA * Monitored budget execution and fund control levels, and prepared Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources Report (SF-133) * Prepared auditor PBC submission list and provided support for the annual audit by establishing a master PBC to the auditors * Served as Point of contact at FSA financial management to cooperate with external auditors to handle all finding issues, material weakness, and Correction Action Plan (CAP). * Designed internal controls to safeguard assets, ensure compliance and promote efficient and effective operations * Recorded daily accounting data into FMMS accounting system and ran weekly reports and reconciliations of Trial Balance and Cash Reconciliation. * Prepared Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) and assisted in implementing financial reporting policies and procedures according OMB and US Treasury procedures and guides (OMB A-11, A-136, and A-123). * Prepared Cost Metrological Analysis for indirect cost allocation to FSA programs, using the strategic goal rate to allocate the cost * Prepared yearly financial statements Footnotes' to clean all audit finding and PBC * Managed all written documentation of activities conducted in connection with risk assessments * Contributed to knowledge of governmental accounting practices and procedures of GAO OMB and Department of Treasury toward analyzing accounting systems and programs as well as net cost programs of ICE to produce Statement of Net Cost * Contributed to compilation and production of interim and yearend statements in accordance with the OMB Circular A-136 * Managed yearly financial statements in accordance with ICE accounting policies and procedures and U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) parameters * Supervised financial analysis in support of DHS and Department of Treasury policies and prepared monthly quarterly and yearly analyses of the Balances for the Transaction Information Executive Repository System (TIERS) Assisted in submitting Federal Agencies' Centralizer Trial Balance System (FACTS I and FACTS II) supporting pre-closing adjusted trial-balance (ATB) * Prepared footnotes and supplemental information for ICE financial statements * Provided monthly analysis and reconciliation of Fund Balance with Statement of Difference (SOD) Budgetary versus Actual SF-132 and SF-133 with Statement of Budgetary Resources (SBR). * Provided technical consultation and guidance to program managers advising them to develop the accounting method and treatment for the Immigration user fees and object class issues * Reviewed fund control system to ensure it reflects the financial activity of appropriated fund and designed tool production tables for allotment fund control and prepared the fund reconciliation with the general ledger balances and SF-132. * Developed FFMS accounting system of ICE including trader partner numbers in source document entries to avoid elimination errors and helped ensure accurate monthly reports financial statements and monthly trial balance. Completed reconciliation of ICE Reimbursable agreement and analyzed reimbursable transaction to ensure all data is accurate and reported timely. Applied financial controls to accounting system (FFMIS FMIS GOALS II GTAS FACTS I FACTS II CARS and TROR). * Prepared monthly reconciliation package for SF-132-SF-133 using US Treasury STAS system to upload the Bulk file for each fund. * * Prepared responses and requests from US Treasury Office of Management and Budget and OIG and proposed best actions and recommendations to correct any discrepancies.

