PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Award-winning Senior Acquisition Manager and EVMS expert, specializing in DoD /Navy & Air Force organizational transformation through integration of diverse people, business processes and "State-of-the-Art" technologies verifiable track record: 12 Award-winning HHQ recognized Special Projects. ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Over 15 years career experience at increasingly responsible decision-making positions of systems program management, and cost estimating including program project execution, program planning, and the entire PPBE processes * Developed and monitored milestone processes successfully performed program assessments, contracts execution, budget preparation, and program controls for DoD, USAF/Navy, and corporate contractor headquarters operations * Provided programmatic, financial, and technical leadership and decisional support in operational Joint Service environments * Active and significant team contributor in complex acquisition program management scenarios supported DCAA and DCMA in DoD Procurement and Acquisition cost analyses. * AWARD-WINNING ACHIEVEMENT: Developed highly effective program control technique that achieved $6 million savings in acquisition costs presented the Person of the Year Acquisition Award by Under Secretary of Air Force for seamless integration of financial management operations for Joint Air Force/Navy acquisition systems and program execution and utilizing "cutting-edge CMMI statistical techniques. * BENCHMARK: Applied superior knowledge in compliance with NGA, DoD, DIA, and ODNI policies within the Intelligence Community also, provided senior leadership with "value-added" SME advice in the development and implementation of its IPR presentations along with "cutting-edge" techniques, and just-in-time "gap analysis" to resolve NGA program/acquisition management issues. * Provided SAF/AQ and AF PM&AE with SME expertise for oversight of AFRB/CSB and ASP reviews submitted by CoCOMs, OSD/NII and OSD AT&L maintained the highest SME technical level of validated program cost estimates and budget stability for Senior Executive MDA decision-making ensured the most effective upfront planning and management of technology risk. * BENCHMARK: Significantly improved "patch time" for IAVA TCNO compliance with unique Rapid Improvement & Lean Engineering (RIE) technique for HQ USAF/ILC: * Reduced "patch-time" interval from 365 days to 30 days. Prepared and submitted intricate overview of transformational Defense Intelligence (DIA/CFE) business operations, enabling Defense executives to make precise world-class investment decisions. * Contributed technical expertise to HQ USAF, SAF/AQ and NAVSEA for acquisition development, modification, production, and test programs managed analysts in the preparation of budgets, contracts, and technical evaluations. Team lead for IPPD and IPTs. * Applied well-developed consulting skills to Navy IWS 6.0, and Air Force SAP program assignments in the execution of SME analytical and consulting work, including RFPs, SOWs, program management techniques and test and evaluation master plans.

