PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY A highly accomplished and pioneering TOP OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, with a proven track record of achievement in safety, total quality management, production, planning, purchasing, process improvement and operations analysis, as well as strategic planning. This in Houston, TX, Casing, Heat Treat and Finishing in New Carlisle, IN, ERW Tubing Mill and Finishing Operation in Stephenville, TX and Seamless Tubing Heat Treat and Finishing in included setting and achieving performance goals to support the Company Business Plan. This position reported to the C.O.O. 650 employees. * Reduced Work in Process and Finished Goods Inventory 30-50% to free up cash for Operations. * Accomplished the re-tooling of the ERW Mill to increase productivity by 41% as well as expanding the size range capability. * Developed practices for producing Seam Annealed Tubing allowing the marketing of an additional product line. Potential $1 million per year. * Lead an initiative to deploy electronic data capture devices in the production lines. Goal was to increase productivity by 35%. This location receives spent catalyst a hazardous waste from Canadian oil refineries and recovers Vanadium Molybdenum and Nickel. As Plant Manager I was able to achieve positive gains in the day to day operation of the facility including safety environmental compliance quality productivity and cost control. Annual capacity was 4.5 million pounds of Ferro-Vanadium alloy used for steelmaking. 135 employees. * Increased year over year production 3.6% with September's production rate 20.5% above 2012 average by commissioning a Six Sigma project to address the feeding of raw material as well as the reduction process used in the arc furnaces. * Improved the electric arc furnaces by reducing electric and electrode consumption for a year over year savings of $950,000. * Achieved the successful started up a new $18 million multi-hearth roaster used to render hazardous petroleum catalyst waste to nonhazardous raw material for the alloy making process. This increased the annual capacity of the Plant by 30%. Successfully led my team of 9 Salary Supervisors and 180 hourly employees to improve safety quality productivity and cost control. Responsible for the day to day operations of a 1.4 million ton per year stainless melt shop consisting of 2-150 ton electric arc furnaces 2-AOD converters a Ladle Metallurgy Furnace and 2 continuous casters one slab and one billet. * Generated monthly production records 3 times in the first 12 months. * Reduced conversion cost by $30 per ton. ($30 Million per year). * Increased average contact hours for AOD vessels from 125 hours to 161 hours. An increase of 29%. * Increased average EAF campaign life from 190 heats to 450 heats. Responsible for administering and improving quality procedures and controls for the cast iron pipe making process. * Investigated customer claims for root cause. Amended operating practices as necessary. * Audited Standard Operating Practices and documented changes. Maintained Corrective Actions Log as well as all data for compliance to ISO 9001. This facility comprised a seamless rolling mill upset forging heat treating NDT inspection hydrotesting end finishing and coating. Directed four area managers plus engineering with dotted line to quality assurance purchasing accounting traffic and production planning. The facility had an annual capacity of 330,000 tons. Developed annual operating budgets and capital spending plans. Sponsored and delivered a $54,000,000 seamless mill upgrade from 2006 to 2008. * Reduced the Total Recordable Injury Rate from 16.5 to 2.3. * Increased Hot Mill up-time from 64% to 76.4%. * Decreased scrap rate from 5.14% to 2.0%. * Achieved plant record in 2006 of 276,000 tons of prime product rolled prior to the Capital upgrade project. * Instituted measure of profit margin per mill hour starting in 2004. This contributed to record profits the next 3 years. * Increased the annual capacity of the Mill from 276,000 to 330,000 with a $54 million upgrade that also increased the product size range. 450,000 ton per year Melt Shop consisting of a 90 ton EAF LMF and 4 strand billet/bloom continuous caster. * Increased productivity 47%. * Numerous process changes to improve quality including deoxidation control basic slag practice argon stirring tundish configuration and refractory selection. * Sponsored $2 million capital project to replace and upgrade electrode arms. Increased power input lowered graphite consumption and lowered the cost of electrodes. 600,000 ton per year Melt Shop. Scrap Loading 125 ton EAF and vacuum metallurgy refiner. * Improved steel cleanliness by improving the slag practice. * Installed a Level II reporting system to measure operator performance and adherence to standard practices. * Reduced of Quality due to chemistry from 6% to 2.1%. 900,000 ton per year Melt Shop 165 ton EAF Ladle Refining Unit and Tank degasser.

