CAREER HIGHLIGHTS 1. As Sr. Instructional Designer, for New York Blood Center, researched and implemented an on-line, vendor hosted Learning Management System. Utilized Articulate authoring tool. 2. As Sr. Employee Development Consultant for SIAC, Designed and wrote a 360 degree on-line assessment aligned with performance appraisal criteria and conducted performance improvement feedback sessions. 3. 4. As Sr. Instructional Designer for KC Resources, designed and developed a web-based, self-administered, interactive Orientation program for all employees of a major restaurant chain. 5. As Service Line Consultant for Unisys, designed, developed and conducted a management culture change initiative based on 7 Shared Practices of managers and employees. * As Training Manager for SONY, designed, developed and conducted Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) programs to implement TQM Deming, PDCA, Baldrige criteria, and ISO 9000. 1. As Internal Development Consultant for Sony Corporation of America, implemented a competency based Performance Management System to align employee development with corporate goals and values. 2. As Product Developer for Blessing/White, re-designed Customer Expectation program to be self-administered. Wrote User's Guide for computer based management development programs. 3. As Director of Training and Education for JFK Medical Center, started the Training and Education Department and brought it to full operation as the sponsoring agency for all Management and Professional development. 4. As Training & Development Specialist for ATT ( Western Electric Manufacturing Division ), designed, developed and delivered a Family of Management Education and Professional Development Curricula for all Managers and Employees.

