SUMMARY * DevOps Engineer, Database Engineer, looking for a challenging and rewarding position where I can continue to learn and use all my technical skills. Interested in companies that can utilize a performance driven individual to implement high-quality projects. Primary programming skills in Java, SQL, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. * Knowledge in Software Product Development, Build and Release Management, Packaging Quality Control, Source Code Repository and Network management and networking tools. Good understanding of Agile development methodologies. Exposure to Linux, Bash, and Shell Scripting. * Experience in Cloud Technologies like Amazon Web Services (VPC, EC2, Cloud formation, S3, IAM, RDS, Route 53, Cloud Watch, Code Deploy, Code Star, RDS, Dynamo DB and Elastic cache). * Experience in Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Cloud Formation, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, and other services of the AWS family. * Experience with automation tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins. Docker knowledge for container orchestration and Kubernetes for Container Infrastructure. Utilized ELK (Elastic Search) for Continuous Monitoring of the system. * Implemented continuous deployment system with Jenkins, AWS Code Deploy, Ops Works. Experience with operational automation using tools like Chef, Ansible. Good understanding of multiple Virtualization platforms such as VMware. Utilized Maven and Git for code build automation and continuous integration. * Knowledge in design and implementation of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment and DevOps processes, working with technologies and platforms including Java, Jenkins, Git, Oracle, UNIX/Linux, VM Ware, Docker, Vagrant, Chef, AWS. * Experience in using Version control systems includes GIT. Good exposure in administration of version control systems to create daily backups and checkpoint files and creating Bastion Hosts. * Developed standalone applications and web applications using languages and frameworks like Java. * Exposure in writing Simple and Complex SQLs, Packages and creation of Oracle Objects - Tables, User Defined Data Types, Nested Tables and Collections. * Experience in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 for Creating, Updating, Modifying and Deleting Databases. Used SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for connecting to the SQL server from Client machines. * Good Understanding of NoSQL database systems like MongoDB to store and retrieve data from the database. * Good understanding of various networking concepts and protocols like HTTP, TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, SSH and various Web Server technologies like Apache Tomcat. * Managing virtual machines using VMware, AWS. Worked on both windows and UNIX based systems. * Good understanding of Algorithms, Object-oriented design and programming. Excellent interpersonal, analytical and problem-solving skills.


Job Skills
