To secure an Animator/Illustrator/Graphic Designer position that offers me the long-term opportunity to utilize my skills and talents in an open and creative environment. Skills/Experience * Television & Web Series Animation Production * Design work for Fortune 500 Companies (Cartoon Network, Delta Airlines, Toyota, ATT, Samsung, FXX, BET, NBA) * Book Illustrations/Training Manual Graphics and Logo Development * 2D Digital Cartoonist/Animator * Web/Print Ad Creation and Banners * Production art for print ads, tees, newsletters, manuals, layouts and digital comps SOFTWARE/ SKILLS * Photoshop CC Dreamweaver CC Illustrator CC Flash CC InDesign CC * After Effects CC Final Cut Pro 3d Studio Max MS Office HMTL/CSS/Wordpress/AS3 * Copywriting Marketing Writing Audition CC Premiere CC Professional Highlights Kenny Smith Group Inc./NBA (April 2016 - Aug 2016 / June 2017 - August 2017) Graphic Designer/Illustrator Created concepts and art of t-shirts for 2016 NBA Playoffs and designed storyboard art and teaser animation of commercial spots and a television show pitch The Cauldron/Sports Illustrated (December 2015) Art Designer/Animator/Illustrator Created concepts, art and animation for NBA Wars, a short animated cartoon for The Cauldron/Sports Illustrated website Toyota (April 2015 - Jan. 2016) Art Consultant/ Graphic Designer Created concepts for print ads as well as create concepts for other print collateral like t-shirts. Utilized Photoshop and Illustrator CS5. AT&T (June 2015) Digital Cartoonist Drew caricatures of people promoting the Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet for AT&T during BET Awards promotions in Los Angeles. Animation Domination Hi-Def (May 2015) Color Artist, Shadow Artist and Clean Up Animator Colored, did some clean-up animation and shadowed characters for two episodes of FXX's second season of Axe Cop. Utilized Flash CS6.

