Tim Hanlon is a finance managing consultant with IBM Global Business Services with five years of experience in process improvement audit readiness and risk assessment and performance management relative to A-123/A-11 financial controls. He has over fifteen years of internal audit experience in public and private companies and a background in Public Accounting. He performed risk assessments developed audit programs and reviewed financial processes for manufacturing service and consulting organizations. He led small teams in conducting internal audits from cradle to grave (planning execution report writing and corrective action plans). He reviewed current internal audit processes and developed KPIs at Rolls Royce as part of a QAIP based on the Institute of Internal Auditors International Standards and code of ethics. At IBM his most recent project work has been assisting the US Department of the Treasury Risk and Control Group facilitate the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123 which resulted in an unmodified opinion on financial internal controls for the past four years. Previously he assisted the US Army FIP PMO team prepare and review testing results for the Existence & Completeness and Statement of Budgetary Resources. He currently serves as a volunteer Treasurer and Board Member of a non-profit (AFERM) which promotes the introduction of an ERM framework in the Federal Government. Qualifications Masters in Business Administration


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