SUMMARY: * Extensive 7+ experience in IT industry in areas of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of Software Applications using Java/J2EE technologies. * Good experience in developing application using Java and J2EE technologies with Servlets, JSP's, SOAP and REST Web services, Spring libraries, Struts, JDK, Java Beans, Applets, JDBC, XML, Java Scripting, MYSQL, RDBMS, Apache-Tomcat, JBoss, Oracle WebLogic Server * 5+ years of experience in Amazon AWS cloud which includes services like Red Shift, EC2, S3, EBS, VPC, ELB, AMI, SNS, SQS, SES, Dynamo DB, ELB, Code Commit, Code Deploy, RDS, IAM, Route 53, Auto scaling, AWS Lambda, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, OPS Work, Security Groups. * Experience with JavaScript MVC framework AngularJS for creating SPA and Familiar with writing Custom Directive and providing Client-Side form validation using AngularJS. * Well versed in using MVC (Model View Controller) architecture for developing applications using JSP, Struts, Servlets, JSTL and Java Beans. Experienced with various modules in Spring framework like Spring IOC (Dependency Injection), Spring DAO (JDBC, ORM), Spring AOP and Spring Batch. Experienced with J2SE Technologies like API, Threads, Collections, and Exception Handling, J2EE Technologies like Servlet, Listener, Filter, JSP, Java Security API and JSTL. * Expertise in databases like Oracle and SQL Server. Creating various database Objects as well as writing Stored Procedures using TSQL and PL/SQL. * Experience with various IDE's for development of project (Eclipse, Net Beans, Maven, Edit Plus, and Notepad Plus) and efficiently worked on version controlling systems like CVS, Rational Clear Case. * Experience on MarkLogic administrative tasks. * Experience in the functional usage and deployment of applications in JBoss, Web Logic, Portlets, WebSphere and Apache Tomcat Server. * Experience on Core java technology which includes Multithreading, JDBC, RMI, TestNG network programming. * Good exposure to advanced Java Technologies - Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Servlets & Java Server Pages (JSP). * Experience in Requirement Analysis, JAD sessions, Group Facilitation, Business and Systems reviews and Working Sessions/Workshops to understand the requirements and system design. * Good Knowledge of Cloud Computing software's (IaaS) of that of AWS (EC2, S3, RDS and EBS). * Expertise in building strong websites confirming Web 2.0 standards using Yahoo User Interface (YUI) Framework, JQuery, HTML5, XHTML, DHTML & CSS3 to develop valid code and table-free sites. * Experience in working with Python ORM Libraries including Django ORM, SQLAlchemy. * Experience in development and deployment of JAVA/J2EE web components on Web Sphere Application Server 5.1, WebLogic Application server Tomcat 5.1, JBoss Application Server 3.2.1. * Experience on complete software development life cycle (SDLC) with software development models like JIRA, Agile Scrum Model, Prototype model & RUP, Waterfall model.

