SUMMARY Healthcare Executive RN with 20 years' comprehensive experience in areas that include: Leadership across multiple disciplines, P&L, Innovative Business Development, Staff and Client relationships, Quality Assurance and Outcome based program management, in various geographical locations. Recognized as a Transformational Leader with special expertise in: * Operational Leadership * Regulatory and Compliance * Business Development * Fiscal Management * Clinical Oversight * Systems Improvement ACCOMPLISHMENTS Operational Leadership * Responsible for all organizational planning and budgeting to ensure successful patient and family services for 2 Hospice programs and 1Hospital and Community based Palliative Program_ staff of 65 * Maintained IOI within budget * Increased census from 80 to 100 ADC and increased Palliative Care consults with new NP hires to 1800 consults and 8500 total consults 363 direct admits to Optum Hospice upon d/c while managing through challenge of 2 PC contracts moving internally into hospital management. * Renewed 5 /7 Palliative Care Hospital contracts and assisted one Hospital achieve TJC Advanced Palliative Care Certification with Distinction * Successful CHAP accreditation, "DEEMED" status to continue for 3 years. (November 2016) * Maintained CAP @ 30.7% average monthly * Exceeded 5% volunteer hours monthly, averaging 7.7% monthly * Lead yearly Business Continuity Plan "situational reviews" via National TC and established local county coalitions with the Police/EMT resulting in using the Police to pronounce deaths during emergency storms/road hazards allowing for the EMTs to perform at the top of their training, i.e. saving lives & transporting patients. * Organizing cross-functional teams throughout the organization to launch a 3-phase rollout program: direct to provider, online and broadcast services increasing sales foot print. * Lead the National EDGE SALES training initiatives across all Account Management teams (San Diego) * Restructured SIP for Account Managers from quarterly payouts based upon referrals to monthly admission goals using a conversion rate of 85% cost savings in the first six months: >$500,000 * Collaboration with the local VA hospital to provide Hospice service for eligible Veterans increased from 3-4 admits per month to 7-8 + admits per month * Opened 2 business units: Hospice of Broward County and South Florida Palliative Medicine Specialists conducted SWOT analysis, developed strategic business plan including branding, hired and trained staff while maintaining HPBC duties. * Reorganized Intake and Assessment P&P to provide ER Physical Assessment (medical clearance) in the ER prior to admission to Psych Unit for patient and staff safety. Decreasing elopements and medical emergencies by 80% * Successful TJC accreditation and State Baker Act Survey for Psychiatric Units ELIZABETH PRZEKOP of 7 Business Development * Refocused Account Managers to SNFs, ALFs and Physician offices to achieve 10 new admissions per month by working with Hospice Physicians and team to present educational teaching moments, thus increasing census and completing compliance requirements * Introduced and trained Hospice Care Consultants to SALES FORCE and Book of Business methodology * Training lead for Project Spotlight: CEO driven pilot project - "How to Win the Hospital" to create lift and Best Practices for the nation and globally * Restructured territory and account managers to mirror geographies creating interdepartmental synergy increasing census 1125 to 1250. * Created 6 Business Development power points to train all staff including to be Hospice Ambassadors, significant increase in census. * Developed and implemented a one year Strategic Marketing plan resulting in: o Sales Trained through SIMULATIONS that were staffed, filmed and reviewed by Leadership team * Achieved highest territory percentage growth with new product launch, gaining 22% market share, sustained performance, increasing market share to 40%, topping national team average by 15%. Clinical Oversight * Observed all clinical staff in the field, including volunteers on a routine basis did not perform any action that would be considered as influencing census. (Per CHAP guidelines) * Implemented monthly staff meetings opening with focus on spiritual healing of staff related to End of Life issues (burn -out) and then move forward with the up to date program concerns, increasing employee engagement attendance to 90%. * Attended IDG meetings and routinely reviewed RNCM notes for accuracy and compliance reported findings to Director of Clinical Services and over an 8week period 7/8 =100% and 1/8 =90% spot check continued * Spot checked 24 hour on-call service to monitor response time of on call staff during week nights as well as weekends= 100% compliance * Created two Clinical Community programs: Hospice Heart to Heart and Hospice HERO training, significantly increased census. o Hospice Hart to Heart: Introduce the entire Hospice Team to community groups and / gated communities in the team geography to discuss myths and facts of Hospice o Hospice HERO: a 6week training in Skilled Nursing Facilities for ancillary staff to understand Hospice and become a Hospice Hero, training provided by Hospice multidisciplinary team Systems Improvement * Initiated a staffing process resulting in a reduction of overtime, scheduling mistakes, and more efficient utilization of resources. * Initiated Monthly INTAKE white board that detailed each admission with easy to access and read

