AND ACI-IIEVEMENTS Knowledgeable 111 food safety code compllance mventory management opemng and closmg procedures combmed w1th cons1stent profxtablllty and marketlng Manage all aspects of operauon and staff mcludmg food preparatron as Chef chent serv1ce customer relauons and sales Faclhtate management III mventory mcludmg ordermg and pncmg of food and beverages Develop new promotlonal and product 1deas to mcrease sales and prof1tab1]1ty Oversee procedures balancmg IECEIPIIS bank CIEPOSIIIS staffmg and schedulmg Supervlse bar staff quallty control and mventory Mamtam a controlled envlronment wlule provntlmg prompt and effectlve servlce D1Sf]I1g111SI1 and lead overall operauons budget management and human resources I Demonstrate exceptlonal commumcatlon w1tl: un onmer relatlons