Summary I am an independent, self-starting data scientist experienced in statistical analysis and development of analytical databases and reporting systems in SAS, Access and EXCEL. I have experience as a statistical modeler and analyst developing risk models using multivariate techniques, marketing segmentation using clustering, process analysis using decision tree machine learning techniques, and time series analysis for economic forecasting. I have experience in data modeling, database design and maintenance as well as analysis and reporting. Accomplishments These are my accomplishments as an applications programming developer and analyst: 1. As a consultant to Citibank's Internal Audit group, using SAS and SQL Server audited various compliance processes for federal regulators. I applied data analysis techniques to evaluate data processes and calculations used in these compliance processes. 2. As a consultant to HSBC Audit group, performed audit of bank's mortgage asset and reserve models as well as CCAR stress testing of models using SAS and SQL. 3. As a senior model developer was responsible for periodic audit and control of acquisition risk models and reporting of observation to the OCC. 4. As a senior model developer at Citibank, I developed and implemented in production system acquisition credit scoring models for credit card business. These models basically predicted probability (PD) to default and helped company reduce risk. 5. At Citibank in the risk management group, I developed in SAS an automated risk forecasting system and created a database of account level information using ETL techniques that could be used by risk analysts to monitor the risk aspects of various acquisition streams as well as audit risk models used in the acquisition process. 6. I audited and revised the over the credit line POS approval process for Citibank's Business Card improve the process and increase revenue. 7. As senior model developer at Citibank, I designed, and developed models for predicting account activity and revenue potential for segments of the credit card. 8. As a consultant at TIAA-CREF I developed customer segmentation for company marketing using cluster analysis in SAS Enterprise Guide. I gathered the data, audited for validity, chose the most relevant information and developed the model and presented results to the client. The segmentation created was used to more efficiently drive the company's mail and email internal marketing initiatives. 9. As a consultant and data scientist at Cablevision, I performed market segmentation analysis using SAS Enterprise Miner and Enterprise Guide to aid in target marketing. Using ETL techniques, I gathered the data, audited for validity, chose the most relevant information and developed the model and presented results to the client. The segmentation created was to be used to identify target audiences for advertising. 10. As a statistician at the NYC Office of Management and Budget I developed and maintained an econometric model of employment and income by industry for NYC, the only model for a municipality in the US. 11. At Citibank I used SAS to analyze the company's Hispanic and non-established customers to find how risky these customers were and if there were any way the company could modify the process to reduce losses. 12. At Direct Brands, I developed automated reporting and audit systems in both SAS, SAS Macro Language, and SQL Server for sales, fraud and losses that helped the company better monitor its business. Presented results to marketing and credit groups.

