Profile_______________________________________________________________________ Computer scientist with experience in agile software development, test-driven development, object-oriented programming, and game design. Adaptable programmer with strong skills for working in a group or individually. Accomplishments______________________________________________________________ Senior Project: Explored Phaser, an HTML5 gaming framework, and its applications for creating a network-based multiplayer game. Involved learning new systems and tools for web- development and creating a browser-based game with networking. Capstone Project: Participated in early development of an Android-based social-networking game. Involved documentation, prototyping, and teamwork. Various Games: Experience creating many small-scale games using tools such as Inform7, Greenfoot, Unity, Unreal Engine and Phaser. Club Activities_________________________________________________________________ Game-Review Club: Published game reviews and participated in the first official podcast for Poly Game Review available at polygamereview.com. Intramural Soccer: Competitive defender with leadership capabilities and reliability. Continues to persevere even when the odds are against him.

