Career Summary Licensed registered pharmacist working in retail/community pharmacy since 1983. Manager and Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) since 1986. Accomplishments * Contributed positively to Kmart profit every year despite increasing competition and decreasing insurance related profit margins * Preceptor for both pharmacy interns and IPPE students * Implemented and conducted both in house and off-site immunizations clinics since 2009 * Successfully transitioned pharmacy technicians to Certified Pharmacy Technicians * Consistently scored at or above expectations on annual reviews Accomplishments * Contributed positively to Kmart profit every year despite increasing competition and decreasing insurance related profit margins * Preceptor for both pharmacy interns and IPPE students * Implemented and conducted both in house and off-site immunizations clinics since 2009 * Successfully transitioned pharmacy technicians to Certified Pharmacy Technicians * Consistently scored at or above expectations on annual reviews

