Career Highlights Conducted requirements analysis and user feedback sessions (internal users to members of Congress) and provided summary analysis with recommendations for user experience improvements. Produced next generation site with more intuitive user interface. (Canton Group) Managed successful launch of portal for Audi of America (AoA) by leading requirements gathering, prototyping, client feedback, presenting updates to the technology team, and coordinating the single sign-on integration with Audi IT in Michigan. Provided AoA with a single portal for accessing separate applications. Also resulted in two additional contracts for ~$100K at a new company. (Blue Water Media) Converted the physician training program from an animal explant procedure to a simulator tool and software program. Created training protocol with series of modules for physicians to obtain hands-on experience with Cryospray device and validated the protocol for FDA submission. Standardized physician training program to make it more accessible to all staff and reduced variation. Improved ease of use and for reduced complexity in conducting training. (CSA Medical) Created software test procedures and validated protocols for successful FDA 510 (k) submission and approval.

