SUMMARY SKILLS * DNA extraction using CTAB, Gel electrophoresis, Bio analyzer 2100, Protein gel electrophoresis and ELISA. * Light Microscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy, Histological techniques, Paraffin tissue embedding, microtomy, Scanning Electron Microscopy. * Plant tissue culture in vitro techniques. Media preparation and culture bacteria, Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation. Molecular analysis of putative transgenic plants by PCR amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis. * Genomic and plasmid DNA quantification and quality assessment using Nanodrop 2000c and 8000c Spectrophotomer. * Nucleotide/protein sequences, identifying genes and gene products using BLAST and FASTA. * Food Safety lab including food biotechnology calculations, food processing fundamentals (thermal and non-thermal processing of food) and unit operations employed in food and biotechnology industries with safety and quality implications, microbial destruction in thermal processing of foods, calculation of lethality, predictive microbial modeling, HACCP and consumer acceptance. * Greenhouse maintenance, hydroponics and aeroponics.


Job Skills
