SUMMARY * SAP Functional consultant with almost 7+ years of experience in PP-PI, Materials Management (MM) and Inventory Management (IM), which includes project analysis, customization and Implementation of SAP R/3 MM. * Expertise in implementing ASAP methodology on all stages of projects including Business Process Analysis, As-Is and To-Be designing, Business Blueprint Mapping, Gap analysis, Go-live, Post Go-live production support, User training and Documentation. * Customization and Configuration settings for Purchasing - Purchase groups, Purchasing info records, Source list, Quota arrangement, RFQ, Purchase requisition, Purchase order, Stock transport order Contracts, Scheduling agreement, Release strategy * Customization and Configuration settings for Invoice verification - Incoming Invoice, Invoice Block, ERS, Message determination * Configuration of Split Valuation of materials. * Master Data for Material Master, Vendor Master, Info Records, Source List, Quota Arrangement. * Procure to Pay (P2P) process like Purchase Requisition, Request for Quotation (RFQ), Purchase Order (PO), Source determination and Vendor selection, Goods Receipt and Invoicing, Scheduling Agreement, Contracts. * Release Procedure (defining release groups, release codes, release indicators, release strategy). * Pricing Procedure (defining condition types, access sequences, condition tables, condition records and calculation schema). * Inventory Management: Goods receipt, Goods issue, Stock transfers, Sub-contracting material handling, Automatic Movements, Movement types, Material documents. * Physical inventory both managed storage locations. * Stock Transport Order (STO) at intercompany as well as intra company level. * Automatic Account determination, Vendor Recon account, GR/IR clearing account, mapping valuation classes to GL account. * Bill of Materials (BOM) for use in subcontracting and Production. * Worked on Phantom BOM. * MRP (Reorder Point Planning, Lot -Size Calculation, Planning Run and Planning Results). * Expertise in Configuration of Production Planning Life Cycle, flexible planning SOP, Demand Management, MPS, MRP, Planned orders, process/production orders, reporting and confirmations, variances, settlement and closing of order. * Expertise in configuring of Shop Floor Activities including Capacity Planning, Availability Check, Release of Orders, and Printing Shop-floor Papers, Goods issue, Goods movement, Order confirmations and Order settlement. * Worked on MTS (Make-to-Stock), MTO (Make-to-Order), Build to Stock, Assemble to Order, Stock requirement/MRP Lists, MPS, Variant Configuration, and Phantom Items. * Experience in integration points of other functional areas including MM, SD, and IM/WM. * Having knowledge in RF guns functionality. * Worked on Data Migration from Legacy system to SAP for up-gradation and import of data from other external systems to SAP using LSMW. * Experience in resolving IDOC related issues. * Excellent communication skills and the ability to interact effectively with partners, vendors, and other developers in a diverse team environment. * Worked on Handling Unit management.

