Three month experience as an EMSO Osmanabad. QUALIFICATIONS : - Passed SSC with 55.73% in year 2006-07 from DharashivPrashalaOsmanabad. - Passed HSC with 57.33% in year 2008-09 from R.P College, Osmanabad. - B.A.M.S. degree with 2ed class in the year 2015 May from GovermentAyurvedic College, Osmanabad. RegistrationNumber :- 59418. COMPUTERLITERACY : - Well versed in MS word, MS Excel, Power Point. - Efficient with internet. SKILLSANDSTRENGTH : - Can execute an entire work individually. - Can focus on multiple tasks at the same time. - Fully devoted to work. - Absolutely professional. - Good demonstration and communication skills both verbally and written. - Exceptional ability to carry out the instructions verbally, written and diagrammatically. GOAL : - Contribute to the growth of an institution. - Motivate others to deliver their best. WHYSHOULDIBESELECTED : - Appropriate and adequate knowledge in this field. - Glad to face challenges. - Ability to provide instant solution to a problem. EXPECTEDSALARY : - Negotiable. PERSONALDATA : Name: Dr.SumitaMarutiGudde. B.A.M.S. degree with 2ed class in the year 2015 May from GovermentAyurvedic College Osmanabad.


Job Skills
