Professional Summary: * Ph.D. in mathematics 9+ years overall experience, 5+ years professional working experience in Data Science, Statistical/Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Algorithms Developing. * Expertise in problem solving. Excellent in working experienceinbusiness environment. Good atgathering modeling needs and converting them into technical solution anddata models. * Deep understanding of Statistical Models and Multivariate Analysis. Familiar with model selection, comparison, validationand testing. * Experienced in Machine learning techniques: ANOVA, PCA, Forecasting, Time Series Regression, Linear/Nonlinear Regression, Logistics Regression, Clustering, and Tree based models. * Experienced in working with R and SAS for Statistical Analysis, along with Teradata/SQL Serverfor Stored Procedures, Functions and Performance Analysis Hands-on Python. * Extensive experience infeaturecollection and selection. Good atdata transformation and normalization, variable analysis and visualization. * Hands-on experience using Hadoop Hive for data management, expertise in dealing with big datasets. * Experience in Linux Shell Scripting. Familiar with SSH secure shell and remote computing. * Experienced in parallel computing methods to maximize calculation speed and efficiency, familiar with LAPACK/BLAS.Knowledge in mathematical algorithm realization. * Great interestin Data Science. Great interest in developing related skill sets and trying new technologies. Fast learner. * Experience with sensor data collection and analysis from experimental structures and civil infrastructures. Carried out failure model analysis, fissure development prediction and maximum load analysis. * Teaching and training experience in: College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus I, II, III, ODE and Statistics. Patient teacher and good at interpreting materials to students for fast and easy understanding. * Strong analytical, communication skills that helps in communicating with business customers, development team and management. * Strong multi-taskability and good time management skills. Energetic and enthusiastic for work. Ability to work under pressure with high efficiency. Accomplishments: * Experience in simulation code development, data generation, processing and analysis of 3D supersonic flow with MVG. Carried out following stability analysis for understanding complex problem. * Worked on clustering analysis on 30,000 data sets and profiling of turbulent flow data. Extended research to topology and physics analysis based on analysis results. * Built predictive model with linear regression analysis. Validated models with model comparison and visualization methods. Compared results against wind tunnel test data and achieved good fitting results. * Utilized mode recognition and FFT methods to process and filter signal and noise produced in computation results. Carried out time series analysis on time step datasets. * Carried out ANOVA with R to keep track of variables of turbulent flow and analyze influence of dimension and position on flow parameters. * Employed Unix Shell Scripting and Parallel Computing for R and Fortran on Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) to guarantee efficient and successful computation of our case. * Familiar with computational numerical algorithms. Experienced in advanced high speed computing and efficiency improvement. * Responsible for data visualization in both graphical form and motion pictures to analyze topology and support future research. * Employed methods of interpolation, extrapolation and Fast Fourier Transformation to achieve clear working results which achieved quality similarity with experiment data. * Teaching Experience: College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus I, II, III, ODE and Statistics. Patient teacher and good at interpreting materials to students for fast and easy understanding. Environment: Unix/Linux, TACC Ranger HPC, R, Parallel Computing, Fortran, Cygwin, Tecplot, AutoCAD, Latex. Accomplishments: * Participated in 5 experimental projects and then led 3, including planning, preparation, operation, data collection, data processing and final reports. * Learned the use of different equipment and facilities in the wind tunnel and alsoMatlab and APDL (ANSYS) and so on to deal with modeling, data collecting, analysis and post-processing. * Co-designer of Tunnel Anchorage of Aizhai Great Bridge (main span 3,760 ft) and E'lipo Bridge. Responsible for FEM modeling with ANSYS and Bridge Doctor for stability calculation and stress analysis, then the generation of detailed construction document design using AutoCAD.

