Patient Administrative Lead a. The K-BOSSS PAL supports and assist the PAS in supervising day-to-day administrative operations of medical support services to includes b. Patient registrations/appointments medical and dental courier services medical records department operations dental operations behavioral health operations and Host Nation Treatment Facilities referrals and provide support to the ASG-KU Health Clinic. c. Provide oversight and support to host nation referrals. d d. Consult and coordinate with the Command Surgeon to assess plan implement and evaluate patient care for host nation referrals. e. Screen provided consults for administrative accuracy prior to assigning a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) call number for services rendered. f. Ensure that performance work statements and standards are in compliance with Government policies and regulations. g. Develop implement refine and inspects policies procedures and file. h. Develops updates and maintains sections Internal Operating Procedures and work instructions. i. Oversees the initiation preparation and maintenance of military personnel medical and dental records in accordance with Army regulation AR 40-66. Maintain strict accountability of all Medical and Dental records. Reviews work in progress and assure accurate results and to assess quality and quantity produced by employees. j. Perform periodic chart review flags omissions and refers them to the provider concerned for clarify of inconsistent data and resolution.

