Occupation:Aircraft Systems Assemblers - Precision |
Location:San Diego, CA |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Highlights of Qualifications: Five years of aviation electronics training and maintenance of the F/A-18 Hornet, E2-C Hawkeye and EA-6B Prowler on Naval Carrier USS Nimitz. As a candidate, I modestly developed a series of important qualities-fast learner, hard worker, dedicated, motivated, keen eye for detail, and the ability to make difficult decisions in stressful situations-along with intense training and discipline that led to my maintenance of a Clearance during my time in the Navy. Honorably Discharged Reenlistment Code: RE-1E. Areas of Expertise * 60 hours of MALE/Tier 3 simulator time, Automatic Test Equipment Preventative Maintenance, Communication Equipment, RF Radiation Equipment, Corrosion Control, * Schematics, Radar Systems, Familiarization with Raytheon MTSA Sensor * Motivated other technicians through example and assistance where needed resulting in numerous jobs being completed ahead of time.

