ACCOMPLISHMENTS: * Earned University of Incarnate Word (UIW) Dean's List, Spring 2015 to Spring 2017. GPA of 3.90 * Awarded 2016 - 2017, School of Media & Design, Above/Beyond plaque in Computer Info Systems * 2017 Capstone project at Denim Group researched 25 customer's Static and Dynamic report findings categorized and identified exploits and vulnerabilities as Critical, High, Medium and Low * Completed Cybrary's 45 CEU/CPE and 43 hours on-line training course in CompTIA A+ * Teacher Assistant in Computer Information System (CIS) Web-development I, taught 25 CIS students on the design and development of web-page lesson number 13 * Extensive experience with training AHLTA-T (Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application-Theater) and AHLTA-Mobile (Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Version) * Installed service pack updates to Theater Medical Information Program (TMIP) server and client Hewlett-Packard laptop computers in Iraq and Afghanistan * Subject Matter Expert supporting TMIP and AHLTA program that managed the JMEWS (Joint Medical Workstation), utilized Microsoft Office Suite Word, PowerPoint and Excel * Experience with AHLTA configuration setup consisting of MS 2003 Enterprise Exchange Server

