by Developed software tools that efficiently managed data-centers with 1K+ servers. Acted as consultant for Benchmark Engineers and System Administrators in Strategic Application Engineering Group. Gave customers ability to benchmark applications on Sun equipment by designing Sun Benchmark Center, data-center for high performance computing and customer applications, in Geneva, Switzerland. Delivered worldwide roll-out to centers in Paris, Menlo Park, Langen (Germany) and Linlithgow (Scotland) by mimicking Geneva set up for benchmark center in Hillsboro and showing potential customers that Sun provided total computing solutions. Ran high performance computing benchmarks for customers in Pharmaceutical, Automotive, Weather, Aerospace and Science industries on compute clusters with fast interconnect. Optimized performance on computer, network and storage during benchmark, leading to contracts and sales, by consulting with customers and Sun sales team throughout process. Maintained high standard, customers' ease of changing configurations and performance monitoring by developing numerous required tools. Ensured team and business unit were knowledgeable by sharing information via written benchmark tips and giving presentations. collaborating with local employees on hardware setup of new High Performance Cluster Environment. All tools are written and implemented like scheduling OS provisioning and account creation. Improved product by providing testing and consulting on OpenStack implementation of zones in Solaris. Delivered software tools for data-center management that included: Web-based scheduling tool for reserving tracking inventory and keeping reports of compute resources in Oracle data centers. Web-based patch panel administration tool. Web-based IP management tool for data centers DNS and NIS. External disk-exploring tool. * Web-based server configuration explorer. Web-based client install tool (for Solaris sparc / x 86 Solaris11 sparc / x 86 Linux sparc / power-pc / x 86 AIX power-pc and Windows) preferred over Oracle's commercial / external tools. Now called Cloud OS deployment.

