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jorge h

Retail - 20 Years of Experience - Near 92054




Oceanside, CA

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: * Over 28 years of experience both on active duty and reserve in training management, operations, personnel administration, strategic planning, development, problem solving, teaching, and training experience to develop real world techniques tactics and procedures. - Civil Military Operations, Psychological operations Intelligence operations and collection methods to facilitate present and future deployments. HISTORY OF EXPERIENCE: Deployable Virtual Training Environment Analyst, Cubic Applications, Inc. 29 Palms CA Sept 2007 to 2014. - Operate and provide instruction on various DVTE simulations with respect to maneuver, aviation, fires logistics, and intelligence operations. - Provide subject matter expertise for integrating Tactical Decision Making simulations. - Determine which DVTE model, simulation, or software best supports Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP's) and training objectives identified by the training audience. Civil Affairs Analyst, Allutiiq LLC. Mojave Viper 29 Palms CA, Jan 2007 to Aug 2007. - Provided instruction on Civil Affairs activities, which are Humanitarian Aid missions, Host Nation Civil Assistances, and Military Training to Host Nations. - Teach, coach and mentor battalion Civil Military officer during urban Warfare phase of Mojave Viper, which entails evaluating their contract negotiation, cultural awareness and interviewing skills. - Coordinated with Public affairs Officer, Psychological Operations Officer and Intelligence Officer on scenario development. Civil Supply Officer in the Economics and Commerce team, 360th Civil Affairs Brigade, Ft Jackson SC. Aug 2005 to June 2007. - Assist the team chief on all matters related to civilian supply issues. - Ensure that assigned soldiers meet or exceed all Army readiness standards and the team is prepared to mobilize and deploy on short notice, by parachute if required. - Ensure the professional development of all assigned soldiers. Deputy CJ9 for Reconstruction and Development, CJTF76 Bagram AB, Afghanistan. Nov 2004 to 2005. - Coordinated with United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), World for Food (WFP), United Nations High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR) on project management to reduce excess spending, redundant tasking and duplication of efforts, helping to maximize the effectiveness of US and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) troops. - Managed over 200 million dollars in projects that were executed by 14 Provisional Reconstruction Teams (PRT). Deputy Team Chief for Public Safety, Task Force 82 Public Safety Team, AR Ramadi, Iraq Sept 2003 to Apr 2004. - Provided oversight of staff officers and processes integral to standing up the New Iraqi security forces. 411th Civil Affairs Battalion, Danbury, Ct Jan 2000 to Feb 2003. - Civil Defense Team Chief, Oversaw proper Nuclear Biological Chemical defense procedures for civilian population. 24th Military Intelligence Imagery Battalion, Ft Wadsworth, NY. Oct 1994 to 1997 - Battalion S-4 responsible for logistical needs of the battalion. 242nd Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence Battalion (CEWI), Ft Wadswoth, NY Jan 1991 to 1994. - Battalion S-3 Operations and Training Officer 306th Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Battalion, Uniondale NY Jan 1989 to Jan 1991 - Battalion S-2 Intelligence Officer. - SAMPLE RESUME FORMAT THOMAS L. COLEMAN, JR. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: * More than 30 years' experience in training management, operations, personnel administration, strategic planning, command and control systems and equipment, creative problem solving, and executive-level decision making. * 5 years' experience as Program Manager, National Simulation Center (NSC) Support Contract.





