Nano - optoelectronics materials and devices Laboratory NJIT NJ Research Assistant (January 2016 - August 2017) * Grew InGaN/AlGaN Nanowire Light-Emitting Diodes by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and successfully devised a method to change the wavelength of emitted light. * Designed high Efficiency Green/Yellow and Red InGaN/AlGaN Nanowire Light-Emitting Diodes Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. * Conducted extensive simulation and modelling of the effect of optical absorption in deep ultraviolet nanowire light emitting diodes. * Studied the effect of changing substrate in III-Nitride Nanowire Light Emitting Diodes from Silicon to a metal. This research shows potential applications in flexible photonics. Design of Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) LASER.

