With over 25 years of experience in the design and construction world, I have been a Senior Project Manager for the Texas A&M University System since 1998. Highly focused and results oriented, I have managed over 50 design and construction projects on campuses across the state (partial listing follows). Now that both my children are off to college in other states, I am closing the gaps on my primary relationship and relocating to Clear Lake Shores (just south of Houston) and therefore will be leaving my position at TAMUS. With a stellar track record for producing quality design projects both in budget and within schedule, I believe that my skill set has much to offer a firm with high design standards and dynamic workflow requirements. Committed to excellence, quality and service, adapt at Construction Manager at Risk, Design-Build and Competitive Sealed Proposal Project Delivery methods, I have lead teams in a disciplined approach to successful project delivery on over $500 million dollars of construction. Regardless of the project delivery method, I encourage an integrated design process which strives to make critical design decisions at the beginning of the work, before key resource, budget and time commitments are made. Service oriented, very strong creative problem solving skills, adept at prioritizing critical tasks and juggling multiple projects simultaneously, decisive management & robust leadership skills are just a few of the assets I have to offer. Seasoned, intuitive leader who inspires high productivity from team members, I am very easy to work with and know how to handle difficult situations and personalities with finesse. Lets� face it, W O R K is a 4 letter word, and without pleasant interaction can be sheer drudgery. I employ humor in the mix, and if you check with my references you will find that not only do I have a thorough command of subject matter and management techniques, I�m just plain ole� fun to work with.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 4/1998 - Present |

Texas A&M University-College Station | Architecture | 1980 | Master Degree |

I have managed design and construction projects including: Turbomachinery Office Building, TAMU-College Station West Campus Parking Garage, TAMU-College Station Pedestrian Passageway, TAMU-College Station James B. Kelly Reviewing Stand, TAMU-College Station Student Leadership Retreat Center Master Plan, TAMU-College Station Langford Architecture Expansion, TAMU-College Station New Fightin’ Aggie Band Hall, TAMU-College Station Fine Arts Building, Texas A&M International University Temple Building Renovation, TAMU-Commerce Demolish Industrial Technology Building, TAMU-Commerce Instructional Recreation Center, TAMU-Commerce New Science Building, TAMU-Commerce Architecture and Arts Building, Prairie View A&M Juvenile Justice and Psychology Building, Prairie View A&M General Services Complex, Phases I, II and III, TAMU-College Station Office of the State Chemist Laboratory and Office Building, TAMU-College Recreational Sports Facility, Tarleton State University Chemistry Complex Renovations, TAMU-College Station Memorial Student Center & Rudder Complex Life Safety Upgrades, TAMU-College Station Wellness Center, TAMU-Corpus Christi Recreation Sports Center, TAMU-Kingsville Renovate the MSC and University Center, TAMU-College Station Music Building, TAMU-Commerce Arts and Humanities Building, TAMU-College StationCompanies I like:
Mid to large architectural firms with a focus on design excellence, located in the south Houston area, preferably Kemah, League City or Clear Lake.

Job Skills

- Architecture
- Project Management
- Leadership
- Scheduling
- Scope and Budget Management
- Architectural
- Project Management
- Project Manager
- Request for Proposal
- Request for Proposals
- Management
- Accounting
- Quality
- Architectural
- Project Management
- Project Manager
- Request for Proposal
- Request for Proposals
- Management
- Accounting
- Quality
