A firm believer that PMO’s should be enablers of progress, not a bureaucratic entity that will count, measure anything and everything just because it can be; producing reams of reports that contain pages and pages of “data” as opposed to meaningful “information” for the actual intended audience; imposing an overhead of 7%-10% on otherwise productive Project Management time filling out redundant templates. I have: Introduced project, portfolio, service delivery models; production of Process and Technical documentation to support SDLC planning, governance, and management standards and models that have improved transparency, reduced costs, and enhanced the timely delivery of solutions. Managed teams of Project Managers, BA’s, Q/A, Network, Infrastructure, Development and Support; Led efforts internal and vendor resources; Delivered multiple, simultaneous application development, software selection and implementation, Business Process Re-Design and modeling, and IT enterprise infrastructure/architecture projects. Managed all aspects of multi-year, multi-million-dollar programs (IT and non-IT) in the United States, Europe, and The Far East. Expert in building and leading cross-functional global teams. Managed Internal/External Audits and Regulatory Examinations. Project Management | Business Analysis | Q/A “End to End” and “Hands On” Leadership Compliance | Regulatory | Audit Risk | Issue | Delivery | Change Management Onshore/Offshore Vendor Management | RFQ/RFI/RFP Capital Markets | Wealth Management | Private Client Banking Annuities | Equities | Fixed Income | Derivatives Commercial Banking | Trade Finance | Account Analysis Bank Consolidation | Big Data Conversion Information Security | Data Center Relocation Business Continuity | Disaster Recovery ACTIMIZE | PRIME | MONTRAN | CIBAR | SWIFT | FED | CHIPS | SYSTEMATICS | OPICS MOODYS | BLOOMBERG | PEP+ | CLS | GLOSS | SURETY | PERSHING | BROADRIDGE

