Take Charge C-Level Leader with Proven Turnaround Experience A progressive and proven executive offering over twenty-five years of corporate leadership in operations finance human resources marketing and information systems. A record of successful bottom line performance improvement with a superior degree of professionalism leadership and ongoing development. A goal setting mindset dedicated to profitable continuous improvement combined with strong cost controls and risk management. Consistently demonstrates exceptional knowledge and abilities the following areas Seamless Tube was purchased by Optima/Privat Brought in from Steel Rolling Holdings to lead turnaround of three combined Detroit municipal companies under the direction of Atlas Holdings, a private equity concern. Directed Detroit Renewable Power operations activity and a significant portion of Detroit Thermal. Initiated plant reorganization, financial, staffing, management and culture changes. * Actively restructured key parts of a tri-company, quasi-governmental operation in Detroit that had been losing money and underperforming. Analyzed and reorganized all systems involving waste management, renewable and resold electrical and thermal power, finances and human resources. * Completed staff reductions, directed hiring and managed executive positions. Changed plant operations and procedures for maximum efficiency. * Created new strategic and business plans. Initiated a complete 'culture change' to energize operations. Successfully renegotiated union contracts and implemented OHSA safety and environmental programs. * Supported sales and marketing by crafting a three and five year financial master plan that met targets and customer requirements, thereby improving product quality and service. * Initiated and strengthened Community Outreach programs and relationships. a private equity holding company in 2008. Steel Rolling Holdings

