Summary During my 23 years at State Farm, I have experience in the following areas: company claim policies and procedures, company underwriting standards, medical and anatomical terminology, injury claims investigation, automobile estimates, auto damage claim policy, insurance contracts and endorsements and the law with regards to insurance claims handling. As a bodily injury claim representative, I have the ability to address and manage my customers concerns that result in prompt and fair resolutions of their bodily injury claims. As a medical payments representative, I completed written progress reports on a weekly basis to evaluate the future plan for the injury file (i.e., closure, status, utilization review or independent evaluation). I continually contact insureds, medical providers and attorneys to obtain additional information to update the status of the claim file. I worked in a combination unit until our division specialized Bodily Injury/Property Damage claims. I then primarily handled Bodily Injury claims. Prior to this, I spent a year in a Bodily Injury Unit, two years in a Medical Payment Coverage Unit and a year and a half in a Property Damage Unit. I worked in the Nevada Uninsured/Underinsured Specialized Unit for 13 years. At the present time, I am a Combination Claim Representative in Las Vegas. I have completed my AIC and CPCU designations. I volunteered for Auto Assist and have been on two Catastrophe Assignments and assisted on one locally. I am an active member and former President of the Activities Association. The State Farm Committees I have been on include the Procedural Review Committee, Local Letter Writing Committee (Chairperson), Las Vegas Training Committee, Legal Services Seminar Coordinator, Arbitration Forums and Change Ambassador. My abilities include training personnel, working with minimal supervision and making independent decisions. Working in Nevada claims for nearly 22 years, I am familiar with the Nevada claims environment, venue and have built a rapport with the local attorneys and judges. I am very familiar with all the local medical providers. I have attended Mediations, Depositions, Settlement Conferences, Arbitrations and Trials. I am an extremely organized and a highly motivated individual. I am always willing to take on additional responsibility to better serve our customers. My loyalty and devotion to my career is remarkable. Given my abilities, knowledge, outgoing and friendly personality as well as leadership skills, I know I will excel as a claim specialist/legal assistant.

