Professional Summary Registered Pharmacist Highly skilled career professional with more than 30 years practical experience in adult hospital, LTAC, pediatric home care, pharmacy informatics. Proficient in unit-dose, IV admixture, chemotherapy preparation, TPN compounding, technician management. Worked on the Nutritional Support Team for four or so years. Worked with many computer systems over the years. Worked in high volume inpatient settings. Proficient in all documentation/record maintenance/paperwork to ensure accuracy and patient confidential. Assist directors at LTAC and Homecare pharmacy with business planning, accounting and purchasing. Was the pharmacy representative on a Nutritional Support team years ago. Rounded with physicians, dieticians, nutritional nurses. Worked in pharmacy informatics for roughly 15 years. For about 10 years as pharmacy informatics group manager, supervising a group of four professionals. Responsible for creating and implementing a budget for this sub-department. Very skilled Crystal Reports user. Primary installer of DOSE, Pharmakon, and Horizon Meds Manager at a large adult hospital. All three systems had hardware onsite so I was the primary system administrator, implementer, and hardware debugger. Implemented Omnicell dispensing cabinets in an acute-care tertiary hospital. User of Meditech, QS1, Eclypsis, EPIC (Children's Homecare), HMS, CPR Plus.

