Summary (818) 355-5162 "Paul is an excellent editor with a sharp eye and good sense of story-telling. Always a pleasure to work with, he is hard-working, creative, and a nice guy to boot. A complete professional." Richard Schilling, Producer, NBC/PBS Credits EDITOR (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - The Power Of Forgiveness (Working Title) 5/17 - Current Fil m (Th eatrical ) - Treb ek Prod u ction s Details Editing and Assistant Editing of documentary, including transcribing interviews. ASSISTANT EDITOR - Prescribed Power 8/17 - 10/17 Real ity/Doc (TV) Details Lead AE responsibility as I set-up the project (AVID) for editing, transcoding 5k RED footage, sequencing, syncing, grouping. .and transcribing interviews. EDITOR (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - Unwilling Accomplice 8/17 - 8/17 Fil m (Sh ort) - Cal l it in th e Air Prod u ction s, LLC Details Short film. AE & Editor & Finish (Color grade). EDITOR (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - Farmers Bart Baker Agency 3/17 - 6/17 Corp orate - Trisp ect Fil ms Details AE & Editor/Finishing Editor/Music/Mix - Corporate Videos EDITOR - Unsolved Mysteries (09/24/87) 1 11/16 - 3/17 NBC - Real ity/Doc (TV) - Cosg rove/Meu rer Prod u ction s Details Edited season versions for streaming. EDITOR (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - Bird 8/15 - 1/17 Fil m (Th eatrical ) - An ti-Hero Stu d ios Details AE & Editor. Crime drama. Successfully fielding offers at AFM 2017. EDITOR (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - Find An Identity 10/16 - 10/16 Sizzl e Reel - Real ity/Doc (TV) - Cap p riciel l i Prod u ction s, In c. Details Documentary sizzle for a documentary about the teenage quest to answer the question: Who Am I* EDITOR (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - Dad Vs Lad 7 9/16 - 10/16 In tern et - Scrip ted (TV) - In cred ib l e Ed ib l e Prod u ction s Details AE & Guest edited Episode 7 of the comedy series. ASSISTANT EDITOR/COLORIST - Wonderland Park 9/16 - 9/16 Real ity/Doc (TV) - Won d erl an d Park Prod u ction s Details AMA, Transcode, Sync, Group, Organize, (Colorist: Trailer). ASSISTANT EDITOR (AVID MC) - DNC Video 7/16 - 7/16 Real ity/Doc (TV) - Westsid e Docu men tary Partn ers Details Creative assist. Selects/stringouts/archive. ASSISTANT EDITOR - Missing Dial 1 5/16 - 5/16 NATGEO - Real ity/Doc (TV) - Th is is Ju st a Test Prod u ction s Details Night AE, vacation relief. Transcoding, syncing, grouping. .etc.


Job Skills
