Summary: Built Adara Power to develop advanced energy storage systems for solar. Raised $2.5M and doubled revenue YOY now a top 5 Energy Storage provider in the USA * I led the sales & marketing for ramp to > 65 networked systems deployed in 15 US states. * Recruited and trained a national network of over 100 installers to add the Adara system to their sales cycle, adding an average revenue increase of over $100,000 per installer. * Broad based startup experience including engineering/app development, public relations & speaking, capital investment, CRM implementation, launch campaign, channel development and product entry into distribution. US NAVY, Captain and naval aviator. Deployed & stationed worldwide 1988 to 2014 Commodore (CEO equivalent), Navy Recruiting Region East - Millington TN 2012 to 2014 Summary: Competitively selected to command all Navy Recruiting operations for the eastern half of the United States, Europe and the Caribbean. Exceeded all national and specialty recruiting objectives. * Commanded 13 regional headquarters, >600 local offices and over 3000 personnel. Drove significant & lasting cost down efficiencies to replace headcount in face of declining budgets and increasing requirements. * Organization recruited over 40,000 individuals for naval service. All objectives made or exceeded over consecutive fiscal years including critical medical, nuclear, engineers, SEAL and cyber skillsets. * Significant corporate experience in achieving diversity, talent, personal responsibility & performance metrics. 1 Deputy Director, Joint Unmanned Aircraft Systems Center of Excellence - Creech AFB NV 2010 - 2011 Summary: Led three Divisions in providing cutting edge solutions to critical Joint Forces aircraft programs, including strategic development and force integration into annual budget programming. * Developed and briefed programs to the Joint Capabilities Integration & Development (JCIDS) Board. Navigator, USS GEORGE WASHINGTON nuclear aircraft carrier - Yokosuka Japan 2008 to 2010 Summary: Command Duty Officer (Underway), Officer of the Deck (Underway), Senior Watch Officer for 2,700 personnel and Ship's Navigator for the Navy's Forward Deployed Naval Forces in the Seventh Fleet. * Superb safety record - sailed more than 100K nautical miles through congested waters in the Western Pacific. * Responsible for the safe navigation and operational execution of the ship's movement and combat readiness. Commanding Officer, Navy Recruiting District Michigan - Detroit Michigan 2006 to 2007 Summary: Responsible for Total Force Management and Recruiting. Provided strategic and operational level leadership for 250 military, government and contractor personnel in 80 locations. * Drove a complete operational rebound & merger of two separate organizations to become the top producing command in the nation. Awarded as #1 of 26 commands, and my team went on to excel in their careers. Deputy Director, JCS J3 Joint Operations Directorate - Pentagon, 2003 to 2006 Summary: Deputy Division Chief in the engine room of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Coordinated the actions for multiple Combatant Command operations including Afghanistan, Africa & the Caribbean. * I led a team of 5 specialists to coordinate global military force requirements for specific operations. Produced key SecDef, National Security Council & Congressional briefings & reports with definitive national impact. US Navy Pilot - deployed globally, 1989 to 2003 with demonstrated at sea leadership. * Maintenance Officer and Chief Functional Check Pilot: Provided departmental leadership and quality assurance for 165 Naval Aviation Maintenance Personnel in support of all maintenance, flight operations and functional test flying for 14 Sikorsky SH-60B helicopters. Deployed as Officer in Charge. Aide to the Commander - Supported major DOD initiatives throughout Central and South America. Competitively selected as Associate Fellow to the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group Significant global operational & flight experience in Latin America & Europe. Awarded Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association Award for Academic Excellence * Captain of CVN 73 Rugby team playing international match schedule throughout Australia and Asia. Commercial (FAA) Fixed & Rotary Wing aviation licenses with over 2700 flight hours Contributing member of Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce and Las Vegas Rotary Eagle Scout

