SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Achievement-oriented Pharmacist by profession, MBA (marketing option) & PhD-Entrepreneurship (ongoing) holder, and a Senior health-care officer with over 17 years in Programme Management and Public Private Partnerships (PPP). * Led and managed a team of over 20 staff in a Program of Social Marketing for Health Services/Products at Population Services International-PSI (Sexual Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Integrated Management of Child Illnesses), with annual budgets of USD 5-10 m. Donors included E.U, DFID, BMGF, USAID, AUSaid, PEPFAR etc. Acted a MoH focal person. * Stewarded a USD 15m Social Franchising-for-Health Program (AMUA-SF Government project), at Marie Stopes that grew from 140 Health care providers to over 440, in a 3-year span. I introduced new services like new health financing mechanisms (Medical Credit Fund), into the Franchise. Worked with MoH in the Project Management Coordination Group (PMCG) steering Committee. * As a National Malaria Program Manager Sustainable Health Foundation (SHF), and budget of over USD 1.5m from Global Fund donor, I contributed significantly (about 5%) to the national Malaria control in Kenya. Was the MoH liaison officer. * In the capacity of Executive Director at Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa (KBTA), I opened an African regional office in Nairobi, formulated a 7-member Board of Trustees/Directors, and placed requisite staff and operational systems. My budget was USD 3m and I empowered 5000 visually impaired school children in 4 African countries, towards accessing quality education in a 3-year period. MoE focal person. * Successfully led and managed Sales & Marketing Pharmaceutical teams with budgets of USD 20-100 m annual sales figures, in diverse Pharmaceutical organizations. My skills-set include Leadership & Management, Public Private Partnerships, Health Insurance & Financing (HISP), Sales & Marketing Management, Communication/Writing/Presentation, Microsoft Office proficiency, Fundraising, Social Enterprise, Team-player/building, Analytical, Advocacy, Public Private Partnerships. Summary Overview Key Responsibilities * Public Private Partnerships, especially with Government departments Summary Overview * Key Responsibilities: Liaisons with stakeholders especially MoH, commodity security, study tours, Monitoring & Evaluation. * Leading, motivating and managing a team towards supporting and promotion of over 400 franchised clinics/Health-care providers in Kenya. * Training & capacity building, supportive supervision, quality standards maintenance, demand creation & promotional-marketing activities, donor reporting and proposal/concept-notes writing * Community Strategy Coordination (CHWs, community units, outreaches etc.). MALARIA-NATIONAL MANAGER AT CFW-SHOPS/SUSTAINABLE HEATH CARE FOUNDATION, SHF Designation: Program Manager: Jan 2010 - Jan 2011 Summary Overview Key Responsibilities Oversaw Global Fund Malaria Program Activities involved logistics and Commodity management, donor reports, MoH linkages, school and community Outreaches, budgets formulation and controls, stakeholders' meetings' participation, capacity building of health-care providers. GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS INTERNATIONAL Designation: Marketing Manager: Jan 2009 - Jan 2010 Summary Overview Key Responsibilities Was in-charge of marketing and promotional activities, new/novel marketing strategies, drug launches, market research, sales & prescription analysis, IEC/BCC materials design and production, trainings, CMEs, competitor and customer analysis, brand-development and enhancement, budgets formulation and control, media-liaisons. BIODEAL LABORATORIES Designation: General Manager (Sales & Marketing): Jan 2008 - Jan 2009 Summary Overview Key Responsibilities Leading, managing and motivating a team of medical marketers and sales people towards achievement of organizational goals. Spearheading all sales and marketing strategies/plans, developing of promotional materials, training internal and external stakeholders, drug inventory management, recruitment of staff, financial/ budget management. Customers' satisfaction, sales-office and distribution- channels management and streamlining. POPULATION SERVICES INTERNATIONAL (PSI), KENYA Designation: Pharmaceutical Program Manager: Jan 2001 - Dec 2007 Summary Overview Key Responsibilities * Managing a five year $10 million USD reproductive health social marketing program in collaboration with MoH support, guidelines and endorsement. * Leading and managing a team of professional marketers and med-reps in social marketing and franchising of health-related products and services in reproductive health, malaria, HIV/ AIDS and safe water systems. * Responsible for over ten-fold increase in annual sales of family planning products (oral contraceptives and injectable (s)) over four years. * Developing training curricula and conducting Continuous Medical Education (CMEs), training and technical capacity building for health providers (doctors, nurses, clinical officers, women groups). * Trained over 2,500 health providers and over 1,200 community based distributors in 3 years. * Advised PSI on national drug policy guidelines and drug registration issues. * Preparing marketing Strategic Plans, and educational IEC materials. * Coordinated external relations with external stakeholders such as Kenya Medical Association, Pharmaceutical and Nursing Associations, NGOs, and the media. GLAXOSMITHKLINE, NAIROBI Designation: Senior Medical Representative: Jan 1995 - Dec 2000 Summary over view Key Responsibilities * Provided technical information and sold medical products to health providers including doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Coordinated drug launches. Conducted Continuous Medical Education (CMEs). Did market-analysis/customer profiling. * Conducted training programs for doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Attained annual sales volume of KES 60 m and regularly exceeded annual targets. Responsible for inducting newly employed medical representatives. * Also worked as Company Pharmacist/Med-rep at Wellcome (K) Ltd, Hackmey Ltd and Ray-Pharmaceuticals between 1990 - 1995, after internship at Nyeri. 7. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP * Member of Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya (PSK). * Trustee of National Nurses Association of Kenya (NNAK). * Board Member, Kilimani Integrated Primary School. * Member of Church choir and plays the guitar

