EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: * Control or direct the operation of a program or function * As Program Manager, my role number one was managing Projects and Businesses: 1. Insuring the product concept meets the expectations of the business strategy and product roadmap 2. Driving the effort to develop the business case * Responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation framework for the project * Develop a monitoring and evaluation methodology with a focus on: * Tracking implementation of M&E initiatives and showing results - outputs and outcomes * Identifying a set of indicators for monitoring the programs and activities * Development of procedures for the implementation of the system generating information for M&Es timely reporting and lessons learnt * Lead the project teams and to insure that all project team deliverables are developed in synchronization so the whole product is delivered to as required * Link Business Strategy to Product and IT Development * Within the organization, I made decisions on which products to invest in to achieve the business results that I was accountable for * Manage information technology programs and projects that are significant in scope and impact. Ensure projects meet or exceed product requirements and company goals * Establish detailed workflows, set deadlines, assign responsibilities, and resolve team conflicts with confidence * Develop and maintain proactive working relationships with team members, vendors, management, and other departments * Determine how money will be spent to get the work done, and accounting for these expenditures, and weigh the relative costs and benefits of a potential action * Make a decision or solve a problem by using logic to identify key facts, explore alternatives, and propose quality solutions * Use logic to analyze or identify underlying principles, reasons, or facts associated with information or data to draw conclusions * Supervise others by assigning/directing work conducting employee evaluations, staff training and development, taking appropriate disciplinary/corrective actions, making hiring/termination recommendations, and exercise authority or influence * Ensure compliance with contract terms, policies, processes and procedures, etc. * Approve company operational procedures, policies, and standards * Develop a strategic plan to advance the company's mission and objectives and to promote revenue, profitability, and growth as an organization * Oversee company operations to insure production efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources * Evaluate performance of executives for compliance with established policies and objectives of the company and contributions in attaining objectives * Analyze, summarize and/or review data reports findings, interpret result and/or make recommendations * Monitor agency contract services implement controls and standards to monitor the processing and review of contracts * Lead and perform full life-cycle (SDLC) of software system engineering including requirements analysis and performance engineering * Plan, organize and lead Software Quality Assurance tasks and projects * Coordinate software engineering and development activities among GD-C4S teams and with the Prime Contractor * Coordinate systems analysis and engineering across multiple Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) * Provide a cycle of capabilities from process analysis, design, optimization and management to process execution and monitoring and back to analysis * Conduct a "" Product Development Assessment using our structured assessment methodology * Conduct SQA audits as scheduled in the Task QA Plan or as events dictate (Example of event-driven audits are those associated with Physical Configuration Audits or In-Process Reviews) * Maintain records of non-conforming items for reference and for "Lessons Learned" actions to prevent recurrence of discrepancies * Have working experience and solid knowledge of SEI's Capability Maturity Model (SEI/CMM), CMMI also FAA's iCMM, and ISO 9000s * Support implementation of the CMMI in the SQA and SCM PA (process areas) * Assure products conform to system specification, Evaluate and support SCM tools * Utilize ClearCase (ClearDDTS) to track and organize product feedback for development and testing, project management, measuring quality and gathering requirements * Utilize RUP for both engineering disciplines (such as Business Modeling, Requirements, Analysis and Design, Test, Implementation, and Deployment) * Utilize ClearCase and ClearDDTS, Doors for program control and requirement, MS Visual SourceSafe (MS VSS) and PVCS to support Revision and Version Control, Change Request/Problem Tracking to provide comprehensive SCM solutions. Also utilize PVCS's Merant Tracker to capture, track and manage the status of defects, changes and issues raised in software projects * Periodically analyze a candidate list of potential Risk Management areas, and, take the actions necessary to identify, analyze, plan, track, control, and communicate risks using a written process * Identified Risk Management recovery methods * As co-chairman of the CCB my responsibility was to review and approve or reject all requested changes for hardware, software, documentation and drawings that are under CM control * Have ability to understand and analyze the NAS as a complex adaptive system (CAS), also FAA's ATM Air Traffic Management infrastructure needs and the NAS network structure * Have NASA working environment experience. Provided Quality Assurance Engineering support and Coordinated with enterprise risk management group to ensure compliance * Assess and execute SQA programs. Establish and execute risk management programs, also, requirements management programs. Establish and execute SCM programs. * Integrated Change Control: Coordinate changes across the entire project (approve or reject them) SKILL SUMMARY: Business Process Improvement/Engineering/Business Development 14 Years Systems Analysis 23 Years Applications Design and Development 12 Years Software Logic Development 16 Years Test and Certification Development 12 Years System Training 11 Years Functional Requirements Analysis 17 Years SW CM/SW QA 16 Years Program/Project Management 16 Years.

